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Further Drivel HF Forum

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Bringer of the Dark One

Joined: 25 Apr 2001
Posts: 1748
Location: Outpost: Houston, Texas/// Home(r)World:
Heemstede, NL
New postPosted: 23 Mar 2003 00:51 Post subject:
Reply with quote
Haha guys, besides Hyperion and Jewel I believe that
some of this post (was too lazy to read it before) was
aimed at me. Well what can I say, I'm a horrible
leader. Ever since Star and I took over recruitmanship
as only risen by about 1500% (this is true statistic),
the Warcraft 3 realm has every day after school
constantly 6-8 members or so, on weekends it's
booming, thats about the whole BF section from what
Rob said. I'd like for you to consider the fact that
Rob was a member of the BF realm, and that's all he
was member of. No one really wanted him as WC leader
anymore and when he came back he only caused trouble,
people wanted him to leave. He says that our
recruitmanship is too loose, which is a bunch of crap.
The only recruit ever to make membership and break the
rules so far has been Crook. When he used racial slurs
in a post, Rob immediately (this is a nice habit of
his) jumped and said "BAN BAN BAN" after having been
active in the realm again for 2 days or so. I gave him
that response because I was not ready yet to make an
informed decision yet. Upon speaking to Crook, we both
decided that now was not his time to be in HF. Crook
is now once again in recruitment, in fact he's been
voted back in. He has shaped up, and has not spoken in
that manner since. My job as manager of recruiting
became increasingly more difficult when Rob came
around, he was not testing them, he was simply
harassing. It seemed his goals was to have me horribly
fail, his relationship with star is good, I think, but
he just hates me plainly from the first day we met.
From the Gateway debate to the political debates we
have never agreed upon one thing. Many of our
recruits/members during this time expressed their
concern upon having Rob back, as he was causing chaos.
He also makes attacks on the CS realm, we in WC3 have
many multi-realmers, and most of them come from CS.
Every single member that has/is playing CS that is
playing WC3 is of exceptional attitude. The Warcraft 3
realm goes by a strict theorem of character over
skill, and we live up to it. Upon further reading of
the TDZK game, I understand that multi-accounting is
not the same as in Blizzard games. I also should not
have mentioned the d2 hacking since I am completely
ignorant about it, I should have discussed that with
Neo or someone else beforehand. I found it very
irritating that 2 of former players of the BNet Realms
were being accused of cheating, but not just accused,
they were being lynched. I did not get to see their
side of the story till much much later. I also found
it irritating that multiple posts were made concerning
one topic. Anyways, continuing to Rob's comments, he
finds me an incapable leader, frankly I disagree.
Lately, I have not been able to complete my duties due
to personal reasons, matters of health and others, but
this is why we have two moderators. Rob also seems to
believe that the entire WC3 realm went to hell at my
hand. Once again, we have 2 mods, and Star and I
consult each other on everything beforehand. Rob puts
the BF realm as a victim, and then WC3 and CS realms,
who have nothing to do with it, as an enemy. It was
improper and it's sad when members leave and badmouth
a clan which has done a lot for them. What's even
worse is that he was a leader. In my opinion, a leader
should have an objective eye on things, but must not
jump to conclusions too fast. A leader must also
respect his fellow members, and not feel like his
opinion is more powerful than others. Rob has failed
in both of these. Let me give you an example:

For those of you who are not familiar with Battle.Net,
it is the free gaming server that Blizzard provides to
play its games on. Hacking on this server is of course
against the rules. In warcraft 3 blizzard has
implemented a program that reads hacking and then
sends the information to blizzard. Every once in a
while they ban first-time hackers for a month, and
second-time hackers permanently from the server. To
play on it again you would need a new IP and a new
CD-Key. A while ago when they held one of these
bannings one of our members was banned. Of course an
investigation of the matter is necessary, so Star, Rob
(I let him join in since he was a leader and I felt
his judgement would represent that of the big leaders,
i big mistake on my part), and I lead it. The first
day I announced the investigation I get IM's from Rob
that were like this "Why hasn't he been kicked out of
HF yet." and "What is there to investigate.". Well,
what Rob failed to understand is that it was also
announced that such programs that let you assign your
own hotkeys and other progs in the background(which
aren't hacks or cheating according to Blizzard) were
also read by the program in WC3. This resulted in
people who hadn't cheated being banned. There was
nothing that Blizzard could do to distinguish who did
hack from who didn't. But I can tell you, since his
month has been over the member hasn't ever been banned

RobVanDam said:

when he became a leader, his goal wasn't to rebuild
the realm, it was to rebuild his useless fucking NS

Where to start, let's see:

I became leader in September when Star chose me to
become his mod, since I had past experience in
managing recruits for the SC/BW realm under Midnet,
and I've run the BNET Realms since February/March. My
first aim as realm leader was to get recruits, we
needed some fresh and new blood, most of our players
were ex-SC/BW who had lost their gaming appetite and
we're moving on with their lives to college/jobs etc.
Star and I completed this task successfully. We held a
couple of tourney's, which was also never done under
the RVD administration. Funny how he says my only goal
was to rebuild NS, because I didn't decide upon that
till January. Inner factions have always been the core
of competition in the Bnet Realms, ever since I
joined. When Midnet and Manson died, the Neo
Soulburners died with them, and the only remaining
faction was Lar. My idea was that if we could get at
least 2 strong factions, aiming for 3-4, we could
enhance activity in the WC3 realm thus increasing
activity. This has worked to a reasonable extent, a
third faction is in the preparing stages now just
needs to find a strong base to build upon. Tourneys
have been pretty successful up until the last couple
of weeks in which the Warcraft III Expansion Beta was
released. Now the members find themselves split
between playing the Beta on bnet, playing the beta on
Warforge, playing regular Warcraft III on bnet, and
school work. So compared to the other Warcraft III
seasons, we are in wintertime. But once the Expansion
set comes out this summer, expect to see a big boom in
a centralized place.

The Warcraft III realm boasts 25+ members, some of who
are ranked nation-wide according to BNet, and the many
many visitors in our channel on Bnet. We have a high
amount of activity, we have well mannered-character,
and we have a strong feeling of mutual improvement
that will surely make us a strong opposition in the
upcoming clan ladder option on

I myself cannot judge how capable I am of a leader, I
leave that to the members of the Warcraft III realm.
If they unanimously agree that my time is over and
it's time for someone else, then I will gladly step
down. My thoughts will always be for the good of the

One last thought I would like to leave you with is
that RVD stated that HF was once much better because
we had allies such as the DOH who are now dead., there's the DOH for ya, new and
revived, and good friends of HF.

A message to Crector: Find out more about your sources
before taking everything they say for granted. He just
left the clan, and obviously for a reason. If you see
he was a leader but he says immature and ignorant
stuff like "Aeon's a dumbass" instead of giving
factual and supportive information for his arguments,
then reconsider who you're listening too. Alright if
any WC3 memebrs feel I have forgotten something please
add on, I'm gonna go sleep now.

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