Saturday, August 29, 2015

Krioni ICQ Conv. March 22nd, 2003

Krioni / Pinkus: (12:37 AM) We need you in SE
Chuck: (12:37 AM) for what?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:38 AM) We are going to attack DA.
yoden is buying an battleship, but our planet needs
your fighters desperately. Well not desperetly, but
we will lose about half our fighters now, so having
your 1k would help tremendously
Chuck: (12:38 AM) ok
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:38 AM) Plus, if we get past their
planet, we could your your turns in the killing spree
that follows!
Chuck: (12:39 AM) what do I do, wander around until my
safe turns gibe out?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:39 AM) I guess
Chuck: (12:40 AM) what should I buy with my 60K
credits more fighters or more ships?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:41 AM) don't buy fighters, but 6
Chuck: (12:43 AM) Drop all fighters?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:44 AM) Sure.
I like to keep 1 ship filled, or half filled if I need
it for runs to sol and back
Chuck: (12:44 AM) ok
Chuck: (12:46 AM) Did you read the absentee UsuRpeR's
post on the TDZK mess?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:46 AM) in uth nagor?
Chuck: (12:47 AM) yes...his mindless ravings &
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:47 AM) that is very dangerous to
Chuck: (12:51 AM) Why? He's clearly uninformed about
the matter. He's just swallowed the drivel that
Aeon's fed him.
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:52 AM) That might be true, but
saying that is the fastest way to get kicked out. You
might not like the political structure of HF, but it
is there
Chuck: (12:53 AM) What structure? I haven't found any
such structure outlined on the HF website.
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:53 AM) It is an informal one
Chuck: (12:54 AM) If its so informal, then how can
UsuRpeR say that I've disregarded it?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:55 AM) I don't know
its 2am, don't get me started please
Chuck: (12:55 AM) ok...back to long until
the attack?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:56 AM) We think he is online, but
we should attack sometime after the hourly maint. I
am giving yoden enough money to cover a battleship and
he is going to attack
Chuck: (12:57 AM) My flagship is maxed out at 800
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:57 AM) okay.
Yoden will blast the planet and we'll come in and kill
anything left behind.
We are going to hind in sol for a few minutes after
maint to see if he comes to buy ships and if he does,
we'll hit him there first
Chuck: (12:58 AM) ok waht sector is his planet in?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:58 AM) 97 I think. Just north of
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:59 AM) we're using our stealth
ships so when he comes in, he won't either see us, or
now it is us
Chuck: (12:59 AM) ok
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:02 AM) He went offline. We should
be attacking now. After yoden fills his battleship,
maybe fill 3 of your ships and bring all 3 to 97 after
yoden hits him
Chuck: (1:06 AM) I'll fill all 4 Stealths
Chuck: (1:11 AM) Fighters loaded.
Chuck: (1:11 AM) how do you know who's online and
offline in SE?
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:12 AM) you can't know.
Yoden knows because he sees them in sol and any active
person wouldn't logoff with ships in sol
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:16 AM) If you really wanted to,
you can watch the player rankings and sort by turns
run and watch the person you think is online for his
turns to move
Chuck: (1:17 AM) you mean reload the page every minute
or so?
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:17 AM) yeah. I am doing that to
see if fleece moves. If he does, he's online.
If he is online, that's bad because he could move all
his ships before we can attack them.
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:20 AM) 4/4
that means 4 people online and 4 in our clan. Meaning
only hf is online

we are attacking now.
Watch the news
Chuck: (1:20 AM) ok
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:21 AM) If you see yoden claim the
planet, roll into his system and start killing
anything there. Attack until you have very few
shields left, switch ships and attack again till few
shields then switch ships then attack
Chuck: (1:22 AM) I know how to play SE.....or have you
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:22 AM) GO!!!
Chuck: (1:22 AM) Mar 22 - 02:21 YodeN has claimed the
planet D~A.
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:22 AM) damn my internet
Chuck: (1:23 AM) Are we claiming the planet?
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:23 AM) we did
Chuck: (1:25 AM) What sector is it in?
Chuck: (1:25 AM) 97?
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:25 AM) he is dead already...
Chuck: (1:25 AM) ok.
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:25 AM) he has 1 ship left. come to
97 and kill it
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:26 AM) you coming to 97?
hurry, we don't want to leave anything.
There is 1 ship left
Chuck: (1:27 AM) 328 damage to Fleece's Merchant
You destroyed Fleece's Merchant Freighter.
1 damage to crector's Stealth Trader.
Chuck: (1:29 AM) Aren't we going to drop fighters on
the conquered planet?
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:29 AM) no, going to destroy it
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:30 AM) I guess yoden is going to
keep the planet
Chuck: (1:30 AM) the planet at #94?
Chuck: (1:31 AM) I meant #97
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:31 AM) No
yoden is going to keep the planet at 97 for his own.
We now have 2 planets.
Buying a genesis device is expensive. I would think
destroying it would be better. Maybe he will. He ran
out of turns
Chuck: (1:32 AM) would it be ok with you if I took my
squadron around looking for DA prey?
Chuck: (1:33 AM) or just go back to HQ?
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:33 AM) Fleece was the only da not
in safe turns.
You can look around for the other people with 50+
turns run
Chuck: (1:33 AM) ok
Chuck: (1:33 AM) I'll drop fighters from e ships then
go with 1.
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:34 AM) No need
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:34 AM) If you find someone,
betterto have more ships.
Just drop them down when you're done
Chuck: (1:35 AM) great stuff...
Chuck: (1:35 AM)
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:41 AM) That's the only bad thing
about attacking. once you see available ships to
kill, it is a free for all.
Chuck: (1:49 AM) What's this with Personaz attacking
our planet?
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:50 AM) He's a newbie, he probably
didn't realize it was ours or that he didn't stand a
chance against it
Chuck: (1:52 AM) Considering th enumber of players,
this game has way too many sectors.
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:52 AM) you should see clan wars. 
Has over 1k
Krioni / Pinkus: (1:57 AM) That's the one good thing
about a planet. you can use other peoples fighters!
Chuck: (1:57 AM) yes
Chuck: (2:00 AM) Did Yoden really let Fleece get a way
or was he just kidding in the Clan Forum?
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:02 AM) He has a scanner I think,
so he was the only one who could kill fleeces stealth,
but he ran out of turns and I guess he let him go.
he ain't on icq, so i can't ask him.
Chuck: (2:03 AM) I better get a scanner...saw a couple
medium disturbances detected thingys
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:03 AM) Don't waste your money
its like 20k and all those people are still in safe
turns, so you couldn't kill them.
Chuck: (2:04 AM) well not until my fleet hits its max
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:04 AM) most upper level attack
ships come with scanners I think.
Chuck: (2:05 AM) ok
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:05 AM) It won't matter, right now
everything seems expensive, but once you got a full
fleet, everything will seem cheap.
Chuck: (2:07 AM) Stupid Autowarp doesn't seem to be
working anymore.....
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:08 AM) if a sector has more than 6
points connected to it, it will only show 6 and if
your autowapr needs a point hat isn't one of those
six, it just doesn't work.
Chuck: (2:09 AM) some newbie with a AB with 400
fighters and only run 4 #279
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:10 AM) yup.
I guess people think buying an attack ship means
you'll be an attacker all game, but it really means
your screwed.
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:11 AM) you got 2k cash that you
can lend yoden?
Chuck: (2:11 AM) I'll go sell stuff
Chuck: (2:12 AM) 10k fighters on the DA planet at #97
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:13 AM) WHA!
Chuck: (2:13 AM) I just passed by there......
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:13 AM) yoden doesn't need any cash
Chuck: (2:13 AM) Mar 22 - 03:09 Fleece created the
planet D~A If you don't believe me, you can check it
out yourself
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:14 AM) How can he possibly have
that much cash!
Chuck: (2:14 AM) This system is guarded by the 22000
fighters of D~A.

Attack or Run Away: <36> <52> <155> <147> 
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:14 AM) no possible
Chuck: (2:15 AM) Check for yourself then. 
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:15 AM) I believe you
Chuck: (2:16 AM) Either more DA went online and added
fighters or theres a corrupt admin.
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:16 AM) Looks like 3 more da are
out of safe turns
Chuck: (2:16 AM) SE has a history of corrupt admins
Chuck: (2:19 AM) The planet at #94 has been
destroyed...salvage your fleet while you can.
Chuck: (2:20 AM) crector has 1 Ship(s) w/ 1 Total
Holy Emperor Spiritclaw has 36 Ship(s) w/ 0 Total
Mr. A. has 27 Ship(s) w/ 1,950 Total Fighters
Pinkus has 60 Ship(s) w/ 1,600 Total Fighters
Somsana has 49 Ship(s) w/ 3,490 Total Fighters
YodeN has 51 Ship(s) w/ 800 Total Fighters

Chuck: (2:20 AM) Wiped out...

Escape Pod
Escape Pod
Fighters: 1 / 10
Shields: 0 / 100
Specials: tw:hs
Cargo Bays:
50 Empty 
Chuck: (2:21 AM) that's my ship right there,
Chuck: (2:22 AM) According to the News, Fleece
singlehandedly destroyued all our way
that he could have had that many turns......
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:22 AM) its 2 turns per attack
if he had 300 turns he could of use 10 to attack
planet 5 to get to use and then still have plenty left
Chuck: (2:23 AM) 52 ships destroyed by my count.
Chuck: (2:24 AM) 58 actually

Krioni / Pinkus: (2:24 AM) thats 104 turns and 20
turns for planet attacking.

its possible
Chuck: (2:25 AM) Do you really think that he could
have legally gotten that much cash and fighters after
suffering sich a severe loss?
Chuck: (2:26 AM) Shoul I retire my accoutn and start
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:26 AM) he logged onto all his clan
mates accounts and sold their crap and used thier
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:27 AM) if you want
Chuck: (2:27 AM) forget it you can't do that,
Chuck: (2:27 AM) no retire option in SE nowadays.
Chuck: (2:27 AM) And on thop of that, he couldn't have
gotten that much together egally in such a short time.
Chuck: (2:28 AM) Well, that's what Hyperion did in
TDZK....use other's accounts. It was cheating then
and what Fleece did was cheating.....Arturo should get
on Weaz's case.
Chuck: (2:29 AM) Do you agree?
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:30 AM) It might be possible
Still figuring it out.
Chuck: (2:31 AM) I've been in SE for3 1/2 years or so
and I've never seen such a quick comeback.
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:32 AM) He misused his clanmates
Technically he didn't cheat, but come on, that is so
cheating. he used 3 accounts to attack, even if he
was the only one attacking.
Chuck: (2:33 AM) That is cheating.....multi-accounts
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:34 AM) Okay here is what he did
We all spent all money on ships.
They didn't
When I had 55 ships, they had 40. the difference is
huge. They spent 150000 a piece on fighters. Times
that by 3 and you got a crap load of fighters.
Krioni / Pinkus: (2:45 AM) g'night
Chuck: (2:45 AM) good night,
Krioni / Pinkus: (6:42 AM) You don't ever sleep do
Chuck: (6:42 AM) here and there I do. 
Krioni / Pinkus: (6:42 AM) last night while I was
trying to all asleep I figured out how they cheated.
Chuck: (6:43 AM) great
Chuck: (6:45 AM) how did they?
Krioni / Pinkus: (6:45 AM) Copy from forum
I figured out how you cheated.
You said he found us fleeing, that maybe be true, but
we saw you go straight to hide in sol, so I am not
believing it.
Then you had to get your clanmates out of safe turns. 
Most normal people who just got attacked and wanted
revenge would move them around for 60 turns each. 
They had 31 or less turns before we attacked you, I
remember checking to see. They had almost 100 after
you attacked us. That is how you cheated. You knew
there were going to be tons of us behind the planet,
so you didn't want to waste you turns, so you scouted
with your clannies accounts. That was specifically
said as illegal.
Krioni / Pinkus: (6:49 AM) I am revuilding our planet
in 94. You have any ships left?
Krioni / Pinkus: (6:57 AM) Copy from forum:
I also changed my mind on being able to get 23k
fighters being possible.
3 people having 40 MFs
40*70 = 2800 figs * 3
8400figs in just their ships.
Now if you use the logic of we had 65 ships they had
40 that they can use 250000 towards fighters we used
towards ships that gives them another 2500 each.
8400+7500=15900fighters total.
The loop hole is say we all went to 40 ships at the
same time. After I bought 41 I get more money than
them and so you can't say they had 250000cash each to
spend on fighters.
It just doesn't fit together.
OH and let's not forget the genesis and warmonger he
got out of his clanmates. You guys might see me as
complaining after getting killed, but you really
should look into this. becuase if cheating IS going
on, you guys lose out aswell.
Krioni / Pinkus: (6:58 AM) HOW DOES WARHACK D~A HAVE A
BID THAT WILL END BEFORE MINE? He was still in newbie
turns when I bid...
Krioni / Pinkus: (7:02 AM) I got 5 MF's for you if you
want me to hand them over to you.
Krioni / Pinkus: (7:09 AM) Fell asleep at the
That's how you sleep...
Krioni / Pinkus: (7:14 AM) I need to go very soon and
won't be back till afternoon.
Think you could sell from my account every hour till I
get back.
Just sell, buy MF, drop fighters, mine all.
Krioni / Pinkus: (7:19 AM) I got to go
If you have spare time after each other

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