Jerle> So, I hear there have been some interesting
happenings today...
<crector> Hyperion disrupted an important planetary
raid meeting in #tdzk so I kicked him out and banned
<Jerle> I got partial logs of the incident, so you
needn't paste it.
<crector> I don't ahve logs anyways
<crector> My comp went to Invalid Page Fault so I
couldnt save it to my email anyways
<Jerle> What I'm more interested about is what's been
going on since.
<crector> Both Krioni & Aeon gave direct orders that
Hyperion be let back in the room and I refused them.
<crector> According to Rob Van Dam, a former HF
leader, I was a goner at that point
<crector> that is goner from HF
<Jerle> Ah, the invalid page fault. Not often seen in
the wild. Indigenous to a rare breed of OS known as
Win 98. :) You really should consider upgrading one
of these days.
<Jerle> So do you believe they plan to expel you or
<crector> Yes
<crector> or something like that
<Jerle> What grounds do you have for this? Or are you
sort of hoping for it?
<crector> They say that I'm unfair to Hyperion and
<crector> Why would I hope for ir? I';ve been in HF
for 30+ months
<Jerle> I just finished an interesting converstation
with Aeon, who says that explusion wasn't an issue.
<Jerle> In his words, now is the time for you to
choose your own fate. I don't think they are planning
on doing anything to you at this point.
<crector> Well, they didn't raise it explicitly, but
it sure sounded like it...saying that I'm
disrespectful of authority and like that and I'm so
boased against Hyperion & Jewel
<Jerle> Well, I actually have to agree with them in
some ways.
<crector> Well, I want to stay in HF and haven't said
anything to the in-game allainces as a whole
<crector> To a few individual players, yes
<Jerle> Pasting private converstations like that on a
public channel isn't the best of taste.
<crector> I thought that the members should be aware
of what was going on
<Jerle> And, you have been going out of your way to
attack Hyperion in particular.
<crector> I haven't posted anything about him on the
Forum for almost 2 days now
<Jerle> I'm not approving or condemming that, but it
probably isn't needed to make remarks about him quite
so often
<crector> I haven't even posted about his playing a
new account after being banned.
<crector> What he did could have resulted in disaster
for HF/SK
<Jerle> You may not have posted anything to the Forum,
but the Forum is only one way of communicating.
*shrugs* Take it for what you will, but I think you
have been overdoing it a little.
<crector> You think so?
<Jerle> I do. I'm not defending Hyperion, but there
comes a point where the issue needs to be dropped.
<Jerle> I've been tracking Hyperion's new account to
make sure I get all the IPs, and he can't play with
his old one.
<crector> In my mind, when a leader(s) demand that a
guy like Hype who was disrupting a meeting get let
back in, then that;s the members business.
<Jerle> I do agree with you removing Hype from the
chat. That's not in dispute.
<crector> Aeon & Krioni disputed it.
<Jerle> Actually, Aeon said his main trouble wasn't
with the fact that you banned Hyperion.
<Jerle> I have no knowledge of Krioni's motives, but
Aeon said that what irritated him was you pasting your
private message with Krioni.
<crector> I don;t want to leave HF, let alone get
kicked out of it, but this business of just simply
slapping wrists for heinous wrongs when others like
PresBMK were kicked out for far less is absurd
<crector> I joined HF because I thought that it was a
honorable clan that it stood for high standards.
<Jerle> Well, I suppose my main message is just to try
and be a little more tactful. :) In a way you're
almost too idealistic. It's a good quality, but pure
idealism can't always produce results.
<Jerle> I feel as you do, as I outlined in that 'House
Forsaken Honor' post.
<crector> Well, when we were in the HF/TM did I
everauggest that we cheat or hack the servers?
<Jerle> No. Which was one of the reasons I liked HF.
<crector> ok
<Jerle> Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to
criticize you.
<crector> I know
<Jerle> Just as a friend, I'm trying to give you
advice to reign it in a bit. :)
<crector> ok
<Jerle> Like I said, I had an interesting conversation
with Aeon.
<Jerle> I told him from the start that I wasn't
defending you or your actions...
<crector> Anything else interesting from it?
<Jerle> But I believe I helped to defuse the situation
some. He's more understanding of your motives now I
<crector> Well, there's really zero chance of Hyp or
Jewel getting their just desserts
<crector> Hyp still holds the position fo GRFX Forum
Moderator, a prestigious position in HF.
<crector> He hasn't been punished at all if HF lets
him to keep that position.
* Jerle nods.
<crector> I don't believe that any clan can last long
if it tolerates that kind of beahvior from its members
<Jerle> I'll have top mention that moderator position.
<crector> well, if you had asked me befor the #tdzk
meeting, I'd had said that I was optimistic about the
future for HF. It really did seem that we were going
to get out of this mess ok.
<Jerle> Well, we'll see how it plays out.
<Jerle> You have rank, but I seem to have developed
some influence in HF of my own.
<crector> yes....but the events of the last 7 hours or
so are just plain bizarre.
<crector> Well, I don't think that I;m going to have
that position for long, even if I stay in HF.
* Jerle was referring to Hyperion's position.
<crector> Talked to DLB today and he's really thinking
about qiiting HF, because of this and some other stuff
in the other realms
<crector> And DLB used to be a hard-core HF'er
<Jerle> Yes. He was the second person I met in HF
besides you.
<Jerle> Much as I would like to talk to you more, I
need to be leaving.
<crector> Actually, I mentioned that postion to Aeon
when he was going on about how tough HF was to
Hyperion and then he claimed that that Moderator
position was trivial in nature
<crector> ok...Ineed bedtime too
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