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We Have a Problem Here (All HF In TDZK Please Read/Respond)

We Have a Problem Here (All HF In TDZK Please
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Forsaken Elder

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 07:03 Post subject: We Have
a Problem Here (All HF In TDZK Please Read/Respond)
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OK, there is another alliance in TDZK called Iron Ring
that is much stronger than either 1 of the 2 HF
alliances or our allies the Shadow Knights. Earlier,
it appeared that we'd have a war with them, but that
didn't materialize and we've been at peace with them.
Or rather, up until right now we've been at peace with

That's because a certain member of House Forsaken,
-=HY=- aka Hyperion decided that he wanted to force HF
into a war with Iron Ring because he was podded by
some IR aggressive mines and decided that he just
couldn't let the leadership handle the matter. Oh no,
he's just too good for that. And on top of that, he's
using a multi-account to do his dirty deeds.

Following is an ICQ conv that I had earlier with

Hyperion: (9:42 PM) my 500mil brand new freighter got
podded by some :badword:'s aggresive combat drones
Chuck: (9:42 PM) I can send you 150 mil.
Hyperion: (9:42 PM) ill take it
Hyperion: (9:42 PM) icon_smile.gif
Chuck: (9:43 PM) ok
Hyperion: (9:43 PM) 3764
Hyperion: (9:45 PM) it was IR member

After a time talking about a different game, the conv
returned to Iron Ring:

Hyperion: (10:06 PM) can we declare war on IR
Chuck: (10:07 PM) No. We have enough problems with
Dark Realms as it is.
Hyperion: (10:07 PM) uh huh
Chuck: (10:09 PM) I could try to arrange a NAP with
Iron Ring.
Hyperion: (10:10 PM) FUCK THAT
Hyperion: (10:10 PM) i'm gonan fucking mine the shit
out of their planet
Chuck: (10:11 PM) Plz don't. IR is a distraction. DR
is the main thing. If you want to mine a planet, then
mine the DR planet at #21115.
Hyperion: (10:13 PM) hes killd like 5 people tonight
with that sht
Hyperion: (10:13 PM) what a :badword:
Chuck: (10:16 PM) ok, so he's a low life. However, war
with IR on top of DR will only complicate things for
Hyperion: (10:16 PM) DR is no challenge
Hyperion: (10:16 PM) their famed
charmwhateververthefuck is a huge pussy
Hyperion: (10:16 PM) I was destroying his drones and
he refused to undock from port until I left
Chuck: (10:17 PM) Yes it is. It certainly was Friday
Hyperion: (10:17 PM) im not talking about
Hyperion: (10:17 PM) its just a fact..we cant take
their planet and they cant take ours
Chuck: (10:18 PM) If they're no challenge, then why
don't they sue for peace. They can still blast our
ships which is why we have to destroy them first
before tangling with another alliance like IR.
Hyperion: (10:19 PM) first person not jumping to 161
will have to go thru a series of not so pleasant
Chuck: (10:22 PM) The IR guy's mines also destroyed a
DR ship. IR might be a potential ally against DR. You
have no right to throw HF into a war with another
alliance just because of some petty personal vendetta.
Hyperion: (10:22 PM) they kill I kill
Chuck: (10:24 PM) Then you kill outside of their
planet's sector. Mining their planet's sector is a
direct provocation to the entire IR alliance, not just
the one guy who's mines killed you.
Hyperion: (10:24 PM) they should have thought of that
before that
Hyperion: (10:25 PM) ill plant some around DR just for
Hyperion: (10:26 PM) icon_smile.gif
Chuck: (10:26 PM) Tell you what, you drop this
vendetta against the IR alliance & I'll place that guy
on the HF2 Hit List.
Hyperion: (10:26 PM) yea like HF2 can do anything
about it
Chuck: (10:27 PM) It has combat pilots like Stealth
who can take him out. I could also tell JeweL to place
him on the HF1 Hit List too.
Hyperion: (10:27 PM) no thx icon_razz.gif
Hyperion: (10:28 PM) this system will be a warzone
Hyperion: (10:28 PM) soooon
Hyperion: (10:28 PM) *evil laugh*
Hyperion: (10:29 PM) I think I dropped around 250
drones already
Hyperion: (10:31 PM) haha someones trying toc lear
Chuck: (10:32 PM) Dropped those mines against whom?
Iron Ring or our real enemies, Dark Realms?
Hyperion: (10:32 PM) IR
Hyperion: (10:32 PM) k ill drop some around DR too
Hyperion: (10:32 PM) cause im nice

Later on, I had an AIM conv with DarkFlare which
started off with my asking him just what he'd do if he
still were a clan leader about the Hyperion mess when
another bombshell dropped:

DarkFlare X6: Hmm
DarkFlare X6: Wanna know what I'd do?
CharlesRector: 03/17/03 00:28:44 ESTDarkFlare (1569)
piloting Sector Forces destroyed Rock I Loom, owned by
Omega (893), in Sector 21175.
CharlesRector: YOur mines scored a kill...
DarkFlare X6: That.. little shit...
DarkFlare X6: I see what he's doing.
CharlesRector: Thus far, noting in the News about
Hyperion's mines killing anyone, so it could be him
running at the mouth
DarkFlare X6: rofl. Hilarious, I kill someone when
I've quit the game
DarkFlare X6: No, he's not running at the mouth... he
has control of my acct.
CharlesRector: Hyperion does?
DarkFlare X6: Ya
CharlesRector: Why did you give it to him?
CharlesRector: I think Omega is an IR...let me check
DarkFlare X6: He said he'd grab a friend or something
to get my account in the Friday raid.. I didn't wanna
let HF1 or 2 down, so I let him, because the more
forces we had for it, the better.. Apparently, he's
using my account to do dirty work, and he can't be
blamed himself for it, because it's in my name
DarkFlare X6: For the sake of the clan, I am gonna
change my password and try to retire teh account
again.. it didn't retire it before
CharlesRector: Thank you.
CharlesRector: Omega is IR
DarkFlare X6: Mm, k
DarkFlare X6: On phone, responses will be slow
CharlesRector: Yes, he's using your acct for his dirty
CharlesRector: Remember, I told you not to do that
kind of stuff, right?
DarkFlare X6: I said I tried to retire acct, it didn't
CharlesRector: Yes, but you gave him the password
DarkFlare X6: Before I retired.. I thought the retire
took a day or so
CharlesRector: If I'm not mistaken, the DarkFlare acct
was not used in the Friday night raid.
DarkFlare X6: Wasn't? hmm
DarkFlare X6: :-\
DarkFlare X6: pass changed
CharlesRector: The only thing that I recall was that
DF dropped some mines and lvled up a bit in the 2-3
days before the raid
DarkFlare X6: g2g
DarkFlare X6: Sry
DarkFlare X6: L8z

As it turns out, another Iron Ring member has been
killed by DarkFlare/Hyperion's mines:

DarkFlare (1569) piloting Sector Forces destroyed The
Unkown Ship, owned by Casco (2957), in Sector 21176.

And I've just heard the following from HF Recruit

03/17/03 01:48:51 EST from Sgili (617) New Message
there are 50 drones and 25 mines outside port 21086...
with a Shadow Knight (Caytie Crowe) stuck inside in a
frigate... the drones are DarkFlare's but they haven't
gone aggro on me yet... should I consider him an enemy
at this time?

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03/17/03 01:46:24 EST from Sgili (617) New Message
I have destroyed 300 combat drones and 150 mines
placed by DarkFlare in the last ten minutes. Each
time, the mines went aggro on me, and I checked his
alliance tag... he is listed as non-allied now.

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03/17/03 01:40:07 EST from Sgili (617) New Message
Would that member be DarkFlare?

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So, there you have it. Hyperion has used another
player's account, which is cheating, to do dirty work
designed to force HF into a war with another alliance,
one that we had been at peace with, just because his
precious ego couldn't take being podded by their mines
and he couldn't let the HF/TDZK leadership handle the
matter and try to work things out with Iron Ring.

As of right now, I'm ordering JeweL to kick Hyperion
right out of HF1. I have also brought the matter to
the attention of TDZK admin Jerle. As far as I'm
concerned, Hyperion ought to be expelled from House

This whole ugly mess is going to take a lot to fix it
and we were already in a virtual state of war with
Dark Realms as it was. To put it mildly, this is just
about the worst possible thing that could have
happened right now.


Overall Leader,
House Forsaken in TDZK
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 07:22 Post subject: Reply
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Totally accurate statements, crector. At last count,
having patrolled every port in the Elanna system, I
have destroyed 950 combat drones, 950 scout drones and
475 mine drones. All of these drones were placed by
"DarkFlare," whom I have now learned is Hyperion. More
than 75% of these drones went aggro on me as soon as I
entered the sector. If I had been in a trading ship
instead of a destroyer, I would have been destroyed
many times over.

This is treason in the worst degree. Not only is he
cheating by using a double account, but he is
deliberately placing aggie mines and drones in paths
that are known to be frequented by our traders.
Hyperion has been permanently placed on my hitlist for
the remainder of this round of tdzk, and I'm sure I
will have friends for this operation icon_evil.gif.

Despite my sentiments in this post, I would like to
know one thing...

WHY? You turn traitor, mine our tradeways, and cause
tons of strife that will take a GREAT deal of time to
fix in-game (If it is even possible at this point).
Was all of this CRAP over getting podded by ONE IR
guy's mines?

And that's even IF you were actually podded... I have
been all over the Elanna sector tonight, traveling
UNCLOAKED, and I have not been attacked once by ANY
Iron Ring drones, even in sectors with 100%
visibility. I have, in fact, been purposely leaving
those drones ALONE, in the hopes that IR would
continue to pursue non-aggressive tactics. I have
honeycombed the entire Elanna sector, seeking out and
destroying the mines you have planted, and I will
continue to do so as long as I find more mines.
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Forsaken Elder

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 08:36 Post subject: Reply
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Just noticed that this is the name of Hyperion's ship
in TDZK:

Pimp Hyperion (3764) Kitaran 20 28165495 [Message]
fucking shit got killed by a stupid :badword: newbie`s
agressive combat drones owned by a fgt ass no-skill
newbie named Dyke (511) he is to be raped on sight
with no remorse, even though he might like it

In any event, I've just learned from TDZK admin (and
HF member) Jerle that both DarkFlare & Hyperion have
been banned from the game. Of these, Hyperion should
be expelled from HF. DarkFlare should be chastised,
but left in the clan. Don't think that he's ever going
to make the mistake of entrusting his account/password
in an online game to anyone else ever again.

It should be noted that 1 major factor in our failed
effort to capture the Dark Realms planet on Friday
night was that Hyperion flooded the IRC with babble
greatly delaying things,enabling the enemy to restock
their planet and keep us from taking it. Hyperion
literally treated the operation like it was some sort
of joke. Then, he turns around and pulls this garbage,
putting a lot of time and effort into it. If only he
was that industrious on last Friday night's
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 08:37 Post subject: Reply
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This is probably the only time when I have felt
ashamed to be a member of HF. HF members are supposed
to behave with integrity, and to go rouge or cheat on
a game RUN BY HF MEMBERS makes the insult all the
worse. I've dealt with cheaters, tratiors, and the
like in the past, but the fact that it's coming from
my own clan astounds me.

Darkflare, I'm disappointed at your lack of judgement
by giving your password out in the first place, but I
do not believe you intended for these results to

Hyperion is not the only person who has broken the
rules. After I was contacted about Hyperion's rampage
with aggied mines and his use of another account to do
so, I decided it was time to try out some of TDZK's
new multi-tracking systems we've been working on. I
disabled over 200 accounts, but I was disturbed when
another HF member came up on the radar screen as
someone who'd been breaking the rules.

Jewel, the now ex-leader of HF1, conrolled three
different accounts. One of his other accounts, Big
Daddy, was even in the HF alliance. icon_razz.gif

All involved have been banned.

On a semi-related note, Jean Luc Picard of Shadow
Knights (an alliance allied with HF in TDZK), was also
caught in the sweep, and has also been banned for
controlling multiple accounts. (Locutus of Borg)
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 08:46 Post subject: Reply
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While I was not directly involved in the mine
incident, I am inclined to agree that expulsion may be
the appropriate course of action. Someone who is
capable of turning traitor to his clan in such a way
has no place in HF.

I would also suggest disciplinary action against
Jewel, as HF never has been, nor never should become,
a haven of cheaters.
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 09:20 Post subject: Reply
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I may not yet be a full member of this clan but I am a
member of HF in TDZK and I myself am ashamed, because
of this occurence I hope that we can resolve this in a
mature manner so as to keep the reputation of the
House Forsaken clan clean as it has been for many
years. Even I as a new prospect for membership have
before heard of them, and of the mature attitude of
the members. Thanx for listening to my rant. and I
would also like to thank Jerle for not delete mine or
sargonnas's account seeings how we both play from the
same computer. and at times the same ISP I can assure
you that we are 2 totaly different people.

Some were born to Destiny, others to Destruction. I
was born to a Destiny of Chaos and Destruction.
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Spawn of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 13:37 Post subject: Reply
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Do you guys want me to do something about HY, like
take this up with the clan staff?

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 14:08 Post subject: Reply
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This is very unfortunate thing indeed. I would like to
hear what Hyperion has to say about this. And I can't
believe Jewel had multiple accounts or did you Jewel,
tell me you didn't, please tell me Big Daddy is indeed
your brother.

icon_sad.gif icon_sad.gif icon_sad.gif
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Forsaken Priest

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 15:21 Post subject: Reply
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This is like the funniest thing i've ever read. Why
would you guys use multiple accounts when you know
that you could get caught? lol. Well this has eyed my
attention and kinda makes me wanna play! Is it like
before? I played TDZK before... but eh, I gotta go-

"Psychotic, Hypnotic product I got the antibiotic
aint nobody hotter and so on and yada yada
gosh I talk alota hem de lay la la la, Oochie walla
um da dah da dah da but you gotta gotta keep movin..."
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Priest of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 16:17 Post subject: Reply
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Ooooh. Chastized. Good word.

I'd just like to add that the "Retire Account"
function in TDZK isn't working. Had it been working
from the Preferences page, thne this mess would have
NEVER happened, because I tried retiring my account
before all this happened. Did it retire it? No...

Anyways, I suppose an apology is in order from me, and
you'll get it. I apologize... If you kept up with the
chat crector had with me, you'd notice I mentioned to
him that I gave the account over to Hyp for the Friday
raid... I did, too. Too bad I deleted the forum
private messages (On this forum).. Heh.. He said it'd
be used in the raid, so I let him, seeing as how I
didn't feel like letting the clan down after
complaining about time. icon_confused.gif

Sorry again guys... Maybe this summertime I'll come
back to TDZK while I'm on break.

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Forsaken Priest

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 17:15 Post subject: Reply
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that was an ugly mess to read..
yea.. jewel and hyp both used 2 different accounts to
help on the raid on friday night, jewel even asked me
if i could have used someones =/ i said no because i
didnt want to get banned, i know that the tdzk admins
keep very close watch over who uses what. in jewels
case.. banning him from the game is enough =/ , about
hyp, expulsion from the clan is a bit harsh.. id be a
little pissed too if someone blew the hell out of my
nice expensive ship, hell you should see what i say
when i lose a crappy 90 million one.. he did go over
the line trying to solve it his own way but what he
did doesnt really constitute getting booted out, it is
a game after all.
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ForsakeN JeweL
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 17:32 Post subject: Reply
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first off
i have 1 acct
my brother plays the other one

where did you get the 3rd one from? :X

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Forsaken Elder

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 17:47 Post subject: Reply
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jeweladdict wrote:
my brother plays the other one

Your brother? Do you really have a brother? That is 1
of the oldest scams used by multi-accounters to
justify having more than 1 acct from the same IP. In
the past, I found it odd that neither you or Big Daddy
were ever online at the same time or on IRC at the
same time yet you had made a point about having
multiple comps at your home. In retrospect, it seems
obvious. What's really weird is that once you told me
about you & your alleged brother playing from the same
home, I told you to contact the admins about it and
see if it were all right. Evidently, you failed to do

You have already shown a willingness to volate the
copyright laws of the USA. You've evinced the same
kind of attitude that so many of your age group have
had at least ever since the accursed Napster came out
& made it possible to rip off the work of a lot of
hard working folks. Now, you make innocent just like
you know nothing in the grand tradition of Sgt.
Schultz. Just like you did in the matter of your
violating copyright laws.

Plz grow up and start respecting authority. If you
keep this kind of behavior up, you could wind up in
big trouble with the law.
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Spawn of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 17:57 Post subject: Reply
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You shouldn't say things like that crector when you
don't know for true if he has a bro or not, but I will
agree with you. Companies are tighening up their
copyright concerns, since every movie you give to
someone else steals money from that company. The only
thing you can do is get in trouble. There were people
who did what you do with music at my old college and
sony caught them and they got banned from the network
forever, you should feel lucky so far.

I reserve passing judgement about the multi till

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 18:10 Post subject: Reply
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I will reserve judgement on the multi as well. I hate
to disagree with crector on this, but it is possible
that this was simply a misunderstanding. To be
perfectly honest, I am surprised I didn't get caught
in this purge. I emailed Jerle shortly after beginning
tdzk to inform him that several people at my place of
work would be joining in the game, and we do at times
share an IP address. Granted, we are often online at
the same time, so that is in our favor as well. At
this time, I have five (maybe 6) co-workers, three of
whom are in House Forsaken 2.

That being stated, I have to say that I have left many
online games (BlackNova in particular) because of
extreme multi abuse. I can't condone it, even though I
have done it before (not anymore icon_biggrin.gif ).
I've seen the extreme results of what multi-playing
can cause, and it just makes the game less fun for
everyone else.
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 18:14 Post subject: Reply
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Lol... Crector, since when was this a discussion about
NAPSTER ! Come on man, ligthen up a bit.

I know that this (cheating) is a problem, but I doubt
that it's in ANY way related to napster use. It's like
saying that violent TV makes people act violent (bad
analogy as D/L'ing music has very little to do with
cheating in games), which there's absolutely no more
basis for, than saying that watching comedy TV makes
people act funny.

I have to say that I don't know jewel that well, and
if indeed his brother played the other account from
the same computer, then I'd have to say that it seems
to me that it's very unlikely that they'd be online at
the same time (I know, 'coz my wife often monopolizes
my PC, try to talk her away from that for just a
minute and you'd get your head chopped off).
The sheer fact that Jewel didn't talk to the admins
about this DOES on the other hand seem somewhat
conspicous, and as such, maybe it's not totally off
base to delete/suspend the accounts in question. At
least untill such a time as the situation has been
cleared up.

As for Hyperion, I think I've made my thoughts clear
on the HF2 board, what he did was inexcusable, and
warrants some sort of punishment. Having placed all of
us at risk, and betraying your friends is not
something lightly forgiven, nor ever forgotten.
While excluding him from HF might seem prudent, the
effect of what he has done will in any event have the
same result regardless. Anyone playing with him in any
game will always know what he did, and will never
forget this.
I do believe that in time he will learn the error of
his ways, and even come to realize that what he did
was wrong, and why. As such a temporary ban would seem
a more appropriate punishment. His actions will always
follow him regardless of the punishment imposed upon
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 18:48 Post subject: Reply
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Not being a full member yet, I can't really vote one
way or another about a ban. However, I can at least
express my opinion icon_wink.gif .

I haven't known Hyperion before, so I don't know
anything about his track record (i.e. whether he has
done this before). Having slept on it (and calmed down
a little... lol), I agree with a temporary ban,
provided that this is an isolated event.

Of course, it still burns me up that I blew over 1000
turns destroying mines and drones that would have been
deleted along with his account... But I didn't want
anyone else to get attacked icon_smile.gif .

That being said, I couldn't bring myself to trust
Hyperion in a game right now. Eventually, he could
re-earn that trust, but it will take some time and
effort, beginning with a sincere apology.
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Priest of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 19:34 Post subject: Reply
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.. I just want to make a quick touch on the MP3
downloading that was mentioned...

1) I download MP3s.
2) I never download full albums.
3) I hardly burn songs to CD.
4) I don't share the MP3s I download.
5) I listen to the radio a lot.

Am I a criminal? No, because I don't proliferate the
spreading of MP3s. I download them to listen to on my
computer, but other than that, the results of my
downloading don't extend anywhere. Do I cheat in
games? No, but crector may think I do, I'm not sure
about that.

I wasn't aware that HY turned against us.. He did???

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 19:40 Post subject: Reply
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I honestly concur with what the others are saying and
i also believe suspension/banning Hy would be called
for because I do believe people can learn from their
mistake's *mumbles something about himself* anyway..
on a new note NAPSTER? WTF?!

"When the way becomes to dark I shall guide thee, When
thee cannot gain comfort from worldly things I shall
comfort thee, when life is too much for thee I shall
deliever the sweet death for thee.
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 19:57 Post subject: Reply
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DarkFlare wrote:
.. I just want to make a quick touch on the MP3
downloading that was mentioned...

1) I download MP3s.
2) I never download full albums.
3) I hardly burn songs to CD.
4) I don't share the MP3s I download.
5) I listen to the radio a lot.

Am I a criminal? No, because I don't proliferate the
spreading of MP3s. I download them to listen to on my
computer, but other than that, the results of my
downloading don't extend anywhere. Do I cheat in
games? No, but crector may think I do, I'm not sure
about that.

I wasn't aware that HY turned against us.. He did???

Let's put it this way: If you download the MP3's in
question from a website that has a contractual
arrangement with the copyright holders to allow folks
like you to download them for free, then that's
perfectly OK. There are many such websites such as
those run by/for musicians that provide free music. On
the other hand, if you download MP3's that you knew
were pirated and being distributed without the consent
of the copyright holders, then that's bad.

As for cheating, its considered using a multi-account
if you use more than 1 account in a game. You did not
do that, so you are not a cheater. However, you
allowed someone to use more than 1 account so you
ennabled cheating which is unethical.

About your wondering if I considered you to have been
a cheater, if I considered you to be a cheater, then
you would have already known that well before you made
the above posting.
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 20:08 Post subject: Reply
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Yes, he turned against us...
and he used your account to do so.

I blew over 1000 turns last night destroying mines and
drones he had planted on our trade routes using your
account. He didn't even use his own account for that.
I have to apologize for the nasty thoughts I had about
you, before I realized it was not you...
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 20:20 Post subject: Reply
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Hmm, Jewel has a brother or he doesn't have a brother.
Anyway Jerle said he had 3 accounts. The third one is
IIRC Thran's account, Jewel used it briefly in our
friday night operation. Cheating or not? icon_cool.gif
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Spawn of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 20:34 Post subject: Reply
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Someone PM-ed me saying Jewel told them he doesn't
have a bro and he just uses that excuse for multi
purposes. Now I would not be mad if he multis, but
lying to us does get me alittle mad.

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 20:51 Post subject: Reply
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And that's a worthless attempt at trying to weasel out
of punishment coming to you.

first off
i have 1 acct
my brother plays the other one

where did you get the 3rd one from? :X

If you're going to cheat, I strongly recommend at
least TRYING to think of a better alibi next time. If
you think I'm wrong, try pulling this shit in court
next time you're busted again for distro.

Lying and cheating in a game HF is trying to become a
major figure in, tisk tisk. Now to me, that would be
an reason for removal.

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 20:57 Post subject: Reply
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03/17/03 01:48:51 EST from Sgili (617) New Message
there are 50 drones and 25 mines outside port 21086...
with a Shadow Knight (Caytie Crowe) stuck inside in a
frigate... the drones are DarkFlare's but they haven't
gone aggro on me yet... should I consider him an enemy
at this time?

Reply | Delete
03/17/03 01:46:24 EST from Sgili (617) New Message
I have destroyed 300 combat drones and 150 mines
placed by DarkFlare in the last ten minutes. Each
time, the mines went aggro on me, and I checked his
alliance tag... he is listed as non-allied now.

All I have to say is "WHAT THE HELL?"
1.From what I read in crector's post, DF's password
had been changed. I did not do that.
2. How the F were his drones attacking members of HF's
allies in the first place, and why was he not in HF
anymore. I did not do that.

Oh, and I didnt use DF's account to do my 'dirty work'
on purpose, see my other reply.

Jerle, check the news for a guy named Dyke. He had
7-10 kills with aggressive drones, which caused me to
react like I did in the first place.

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 21:01 Post subject: Reply
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This hole thing makes me sad. Great players get banned
because of multiple accounts. TDZK is a great game and
a very addictive one, so I fully understand why
someone makes multiple accounts, I thought that
possibility too, luckily I have some self-discipline.
Anyway I think we don't need to punish them at all,
it's enough of a punishment not being able to play
TDZK anymore. icon_cool.gif
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 21:12 Post subject: Reply
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Let me just guess what happened. Hyperion used
DarkFlare's account to lay those mines. Then DarkFlare
came and changed his password, left HF1 and retired
his pilot. As it takes some time to retire pilot,
those mines were still there and he wasn't in HF1
anymore. icon_cool.gif
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 21:22 Post subject: Reply
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I've reviewed everything here and spoken with one of
my more un-biased advisors for TDZK;

If you really feel this is an issue that needs to be
taken upon the hands of the Clan Staff and to the
point where you're expelling members from the guild,
and Krioni agrees (as he is next in line of command
here and can then bring it to us), I will honor the
request and assemble the other directors and
coordinators for a vote.

However, once the issue comes into our hands there
will be little discussion left on what we ultimatly
come up with and it is never fun for anyone. Kinda
takes the thrill out of online-gaming.

Therefore; Before you go through with such a request I
implore that you truely evaluate the importance of
this situation.

From what I see the issue is BLOWN OUT OF PROPORTION
and a few of you are out for blood. That being said, I
understand how this will effect possible 'war' within
the game with IR and that is something that we want to
prevent. This should not be a problem as the member
has been banned from TDZK for multi-accounting.

I agree with Krioni in that expulsion is far too
serious *IN THIS SITUATION* and that a set-time
prohbation is set, for alliance/war purposes.

DO NOT let it happen again, however. Leadership is set
up for a reason. TO LEAD. If you do not want people in
command, a guild is not for you.

Let this be a learning experience. A few of you got a
slap in the face but I'd like to think our
relationships with one another go beyond a careless
decision. Its only human for a teenager to not think
about something.

Now get over it and play nice. The Forsaken are a
brotherhood and we should really start getting back to
acting like it.

We don't need to bend the rules to make them bow at
our feet.


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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 22:29 Post subject: Reply
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Aeon: Among the HF ranks I'm just a normal member.
Hype has been banned from within TDZK, but I respect
your view on his membership status. If you think that
expulsion is unmerited, so be it. Disciplinary action
would still be in order though.

Hype: I know why you went on your rampage, but that
doesn't justify it.

Jewel: I am willing to review your case again, but
from what I've checked out so far it doesn't look

Also, on the "brother alibi" issue, the guy from the
other alliance contacted me. This may be of interest
to some people.

<JeanLucPicard> My account was wrongly deleted. I
don't know what to do about it, other than to talk to
an admin
<JeanLucPicard> I am not a multi and your new
"software" has deleted me mistakenly
<Jerle> You have not been deleted. We don't delete
accounts, so possible mistakes can be corrected.
<JeanLucPicard> ok
<JeanLucPicard> how can i get my account back?
<Jerle> If you give me your player id #, I can look in
the log and see why you were flagged.
<JeanLucPicard> i think i was 498
<JeanLucPicard> 498

<I take 5 minutes to go log-crawling>

<Jerle> I'm sorry, but after a review of your account,
I do indeed view it as a multi. You are in posession
of Jean Luc Picard, and Locutus of Borg.
<JeanLucPicard> my brother is Locutus of Borg
<Jerle> There are a number of factors which
substatiate this, the least of which being the fact
that they are in the same alliance and share similar
<JeanLucPicard> and my other brother is Leutenant Worf
<Jerle> Yes, but there is also one other problem.
<JeanLucPicard> check our email addy's we set it up so
that we would not wrongly be accused
<JeanLucPicard> my names Marcus
<JeanLucPicard> my brother is Michael
<JeanLucPicard> and Worf is Logan
<Jerle> Every message ever sent within TDZK is logged.
We normally don't review them, but since you asked me
to look at your case, I traced all messages sent by
<JeanLucPicard> :/
<Jerle> In a message dated 03/15/03 14:01:21 EST, you
admitted to being a multi.
<Jerle> Thank you for alloweing me to review your
case, I can now lock the worf account that our
detection missed.
<JeanLucPicard> i see
<JeanLucPicard> will i be able to recreate my Picard
<JeanLucPicard> starting over?
<Jerle> Frankly, I'm not sure. I don't take kindly to
people who serve up bald-faced lies to me.
<JeanLucPicard> I understand
<JeanLucPicard> well when you make a decision, please
email me at, at your earliest
<JeanLucPicard> sorry for wasting your time
<JeanLucPicard> but i felt i had to try :/
<JeanLucPicard> i apologize, and meant no harm
<JeanLucPicard> bye
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ForsakeN JeweL
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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 22:56 Post subject: Reply
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thats so funny
would you like me to post a picture of my brother for
you to all see?

ive been in HF for 3 years now... last thing i need is
for someone to question my credibility.

Anyone who knows me knows that i have not one but FOUR

remember back in d2 when i had my brothers play for

jerle, i respect you, and im not bashing you in anyway
just because i am in HF, i dont expect any special
but can you honestly say that you know my brother
doesnt play??
I set out to get as many HF players to play TDZK as
possible, I saw this as an opportunity to have a
little more "atmosphere" in HF. To bring everyone
together and have fun like we all use to do... but
instead look what happens? i mean chuck... hyp was
just blabbing. anyone who knows him knows that he has
a tendency to say stuff and brag. but what do you do?
you go and make him out to be a bad guy... did you
even try talking it over with hyp? arent you like a 30
year old guy? act more mature...
Chuck, from what ive seen of you, youre a 2 faced punk
im glad im out of tdzk now
i mean, on one hand you seemed like a cool guy, but as
soon as i turn my back what do you do? stab it...

thanks for backing me up there

i no longer want to have anything to do with you... i
now understand why everyone says you have an attitude

you would too... only you dont know how icon_smile.gif
i only dl movies because i have 4 brothers. Do you
have any idea how much it costs to go to the movies? 8
fuckin dollars per person, 6 at a matinee... so why
dont you get off my back mr im sooo good and ideal.
Before judging me, why dont you try to look a little
bit deeper.

Aeon: i have really enjoyed being in HF. I consider
everyone here family, except for RVD and Crector. Kick
me if you must, and if thats what you decide to do.
Youve played with me in D2 before.. you rememebr all
those times in which you played with my brothers...

I thank everyone who has not flamed me... shows who my
real friends are

and one more thing

go back to your hel buddies

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UnOfficial F0ruM wh0r3

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 22:57 Post subject: Reply
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Its only human for a teenager to not think about

icon_sad.gif , all humans aeomon! icon_evil.gif

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PostPosted: 17 Mar 2003 23:18 Post subject: Reply
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Yeah jewel, sorry, i meant to reply that i know your
brothers, completely forgot.

Lets not jump to conclusions or say things hastily
that we'll regret later, okay? No need to anticipate

oh, and:

jeweladdict wrote:
go back to your hel buddies

I second.

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 00:28 Post subject: Reply
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It's just funny how quickly people judge when they
dont know you...

and i do not deny the fact that i have been on my
brothers account... i set it up for him, sometimes i
log on to see how he's doing, thats what big brothers

i no longer want to have any affiliation with crector,
and so i will not be playing TDZK anymore

To all the friends ive made the past few weeks while
playing, ill miss you, but you can find me on
battlenet or CS or one of the other games that HF

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Spawn of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 00:41 Post subject: Reply
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Not to take sides or anything, but Jewel, when you ask
people to play your account for you while you're away,
I would think it's pretty natural for people to assume
you're lying about your brother and are a multi. Were
I in crector's shoes, my line of thought would
probably have followed that reasoning. Though on
crector's part, he neglected to get both sides of the
story before posting an overly aggressive accusation,
which caused unnecessary tension in the realm and a
friendship to be lost.

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 00:52 Post subject: Reply
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Well.. i havent replyed here and i rarely ever check
this forum.. first off i never new jerl was in HF

2..... knowing that ur in HF.... next time if possible
plz reply back to emails : P

especially with the problem i had.... plus i would
like to talk to u again about that... but anyways

I know jewel for about 2 years since d2... and yea he
does have brothers, i was going to go with his
brothers and his cousin up to mts... once

but thats a while back

And.. i completely agree with aeon... this has went
out of hand completely out of hand

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 01:02 Post subject: Reply
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What is hel?

Jewel, I can understand you DOWNLOADING movies. Just
don't UPLOAD them to others and get yourself in
trouble anymore =[


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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 01:18 Post subject: Reply
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well, im not evil/selfish like some people make me out
to be
im jsut trying to help TMD out

and Hel is a clan that took RVD in icon_smile.gif i
feel sorry for them

they also got inviz

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 01:26 Post subject: Reply
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jeweladdict wrote:
well, im not evil/selfish like some people make me out
to be
im jsut trying to help TMD out

and Hel is a clan that took RVD in icon_smile.gif i
feel sorry for them

they also got inviz

I do not think you're evil. I hope that wasn't
directed to me.

re: Hel: I see.

What is TMD.


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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 01:52 Post subject: Reply
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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 02:04 Post subject: Reply
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Player id #1657
Login: jeweladdict
Pilot Name: Jewel

Player id #1669
Login: -=Jewel=-
Pilot Name: Jeweladdict

Player id #1681
Login: bigdaddy
Pilot Name: Big Daddy

All three created very close to each other, all three
using jeweladdict in the email address. As far as I
can tell, Big Daddy rarely sends messages or posts
anything. You can see why the system would detect
that, and why I'm suspicious.

Can you explain the third account? It's carrying HF
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ForsakeN JeweL
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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 02:25 Post subject: Reply
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that account
check the level


see i was a newb to TDZK
i signed up, but it wouldnt let me in
and so i thought i messed up
so i resigned up
i have never touched that account

its probly sitting at the port still

check it yourself icon_smile.gif


just so all of the people start giving me the benefit
of the doubt...

thats me on the *edit* TOP left

aint i hot

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Spawn of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 02:26 Post subject: Reply
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Aeon wrote:

jeweladdict wrote:
go back to your hel buddies

I second.

I third! weEE


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Usk is the smartest person I've ever met.
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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 02:28 Post subject: Reply
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and my brother doesnt have an email so i set one up
with my isp email that i never use

that explains that
and my bro rarely posts because he talks to me about

and uhmm anything else?

Am i allowed to make a new account?

TMD=The movie Depot
my source for movies #tmd-Moviez


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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 02:35 Post subject: Reply
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Interesting reading...


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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 02:41 Post subject: Reply
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well, im not evil/selfish like some people make me out
to be
im jsut trying to help TMD out

again, i don't care what you do or do not do, but you
MUST realize that you are getting caught for this...

you do not have to sacrifice yourself (potentially)
for some IRC network.


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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 02:55 Post subject: Reply
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i know i know

i guess i shouldnt follow robin hood's lead :"X

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:04 Post subject: Reply
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Jewel, you look like this kid at my school. Just gotta
spike your hair some more. icon_razz.gif


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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:08 Post subject: Reply
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Since I haven't found further evidence of multi
activity, I'll take your word then and unlock you and
your brother's account.

I'll put you back in HF as well, someone seems to have
kicked you already.
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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:10 Post subject: Reply
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dont put me back in HF

ill go solo


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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:17 Post subject: Reply
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My God your family looks nothing like you. You could
even pass for being a white guy who's squinting
because he needs glasses, broke his nose and died his
hair jet black! Fine, maybe you do look asian, but you
do have a far more Western look than your siblings =)

P.S. You don't post like what you look. If that makes
any sense.

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:20 Post subject: Reply
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i dont post like what i look?
what am i suppose to post?
about cars? and rice?


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Spawn of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:28 Post subject: Reply
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HAHAHAHAHAHA, not that's not what I meant =)


That was the funniest thing I've ever heard you say.

I meant you look like someone who would type with
better grammar and smilie faces without the x (=) or
whatever instead of icon_mad.gif)

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:30 Post subject: Reply
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yea jewel let's talk about the rice burners.

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:34 Post subject: Reply
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Sorry about the confusion, I actually dropped Jewel
and BD in your allies alliance. Got confused on the
number. Should be fixed now. Though I guess jewel's
leaving anyway...
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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:37 Post subject: Reply
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jerle: i worked my ass off for the HF alliance, i
spent a ton of time helping with the raid, i helped
make everyone nametags, recruited from the HF
forums... everything

and everyone turns their back on me as soon as im
why would i go back to that?

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Spawn of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:39 Post subject: Reply
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Since jerle has more resource than I do and he
believes there was no cheating involved, Jewel will
have no penalties set against him.

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Spawn of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 03:40 Post subject: Reply
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Don't blame us Jewel. We have people that admit to you
telling them you multi, and jerle has messages from
you admitting it. I'd quit while you're ahead.
(Sorry jerle I am tired)

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