Thursday, August 27, 2015

PM to Jerle on the TDZK Forums March 19th, 2003

2 things:

1st: Unless UsuRpeR or some other High ForsakeN gets
involved, I'm going to just drop the HYper/Jewel
scandal on the HF Forums. Its clear that practically
nothing else is going to be done about it since those
2 individuals are too entrenched in HF for the rules &
standards that HF publically proclaims its fealty to,
to be actually enforced in this matter. If anything,
its clear that I'm being viewed as the bad guy by a
lot of other HF'ers.

2nd: Starting as of right now, I'm going to check out
as many multi-game clans as I can & see if any of them
would be willing to accept the HF/TDZK into their fold
as an unit and have either TDZK as a game or BBG's as
a genre on a more or less equal footing with their
other games. If I can find a good fit in a clan that
appears to be serious about high standards in both
word & deed, then its going to be bye bye HF. The 2
in-game alliances would keep the HF name for the rest
of the current round, but once the next round begins,
there would be a wholly new name. HF has basically
shot its wad with the events of the last 48 hours or

Finally, in case you're wondering why I'm not
following MadDog's sugestion on the Uth Nagor Forum to
take the matter to the Clan Operations Forum (formerly
known as the Board of Directors), and get it
ajudicated there, well, a lot of the other members of
that same group have already posted and/or PM'd on the
subject and have basically made it perfectly clear
that they're 100% behind HYper & Jewel & that fact
makes going to that body an exercise in futility. 

P.S.: Here's the ultimate irony of this whole mess. 
Just before this thing broke, I had finished up this
webpage at that
was supposed to be a sort of Internet Introduction to
the HF/TDZK & was about to post it to the BBG Realm
Forum to solicit feedback before publically releasing
it. I actually believed everything that I wrote on
that page. Now, it just seems like some sort of sick

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