Thursday, August 27, 2015

Rob Van Dam ICQ Conv March 19th, 2003

RobVanDam: (2:52 AM) hey
RobVanDam: (2:52 AM) any activity on that log ya
Chuck: (2:54 AM) yes...want it cut and pasted to you?
RobVanDam: (2:54 AM) sure
RobVanDam: (2:55 AM) lol, I just read for the past
four hours and what do I want to do now? read some
RobVanDam: (2:55 AM) I feel like a total geek now, lol
Chuck: (2:57 AM) Dwelgar Very Disappointed with HF
Leadership Decision about HY/Jewel
all i have to say to this is,wow i'm actually
reconsidering joinging the multi game clan forsaken
and just sticking to just being a house forsaken
member now...if the higher up's in CF can't get their
heads out of their asses and figure out that people
need to be kicked or a more severe punishment called
for then why do i want to be a member of this
"PRESTIGE" clan? no offense
RobVanDam: (2:57 AM) LOL
RobVanDam: (2:57 AM) that's golden
Chuck: (2:58 AM) 03/18/03 09:18:59 EST Reply
Bakito Very Disappointed with HF Leadership Decision
about HY/Jewel
I'm pretty sure crector agrees with you this, and so
do I.
03/18/03 09:43:52 EST Reply
Dwelgar Very Disappointed with HF Leadership Decision
about HY/Jewel
hey bakito where you at i'm itching to use my new ship
and i need to know if this is good i'll send you a
private with the stats just send me your number
03/18/03 09:46:02 EST Reply

Chuck: (2:58 AM) That's about it.
RobVanDam: (2:59 AM) I could honestly care less what
anyone thinks about me, I just love seeing the results
when they finally get the whole story
Chuck: (2:59 AM) From a recent PM from StormFire:

Secondly, this should have been solved within the BBG
realm. Krioni is realm leader last time I
let him do his job icon_cool.gif Calm down a bit and
organize your thoughts...then present them to him. If
he needs assistance with the situation HE will bring
it to the staff. If i were him i'd be pretty pissed at
you right now for going over my head. 
RobVanDam: (3:00 AM) boo fucking hoo, you used common
sense, and hold a position of power in the realm
Chuck: (3:00 AM) Krioni bent over backwards to
accomodate Jewel so mauch he landed on his back
RobVanDam: (3:01 AM) what? he's gonna blame you now
for not going through it the exact way everyone wants?
he can't bitch about that because 1) that's never been
done and 2) it's not said anywhere
RobVanDam: (3:01 AM) and I've done shit like that
RobVanDam: (3:02 AM) trust me, you won't get anything,
maybe a 1 hour tongue lashing at most, but all your
options with HF are still open if ya want em
Chuck: (3:02 AM) I will be working with Krioni and
others in the clan staff to determine what we shall do
with jewel. It will take time. Be patient please. I am
going to try to smooth this over and make everyone
happy. Including you. Including Jewel. He made a
mistake in the BBG realm, and I believe we can deal
with that considering he's been a member for years
now. I would give you the same consideration. I would
expect the same consideration from anyone else.
Chuck: (3:02 AM) Notice the "make everyone happy"
RobVanDam: (3:02 AM) yea, I never cared much about
that part, lol
RobVanDam: (3:03 AM) you guys are goin about this
good, you guys will come out of this lookin better
than anyone\
RobVanDam: (3:03 AM) hard for you guys to look bad
when you guys are in the right, besides, he has said
he's willing to leave if you guys say so
Chuck: (3:06 AM) Yes, I talked about it with some
others and I've decided to stick with HF at least for
the time being. If we can still et some good recruits
out of TDZK, perhaps we in the BBG can get rid of
Krioni someday and try to effect some real change in
the clan.
RobVanDam: (3:06 AM) who ever said you needed to get
rid of Eric?
Chuck: (3:07 AM) I did. He didn't need to lean over
backwards to accomodate Jewel. Didn't you read his
commnets about how Jewel did it to help the clan?
RobVanDam: (3:08 AM) power means nothing remember,
just come forward with a well said argument written
carefully and posted by someone with respect means
infinitely more than a post by someone with no respect
and all the power
RobVanDam: (3:09 AM) from my experiences with Eric, I
doubt he would want to kick a member like Jewel
because that would be extremely unpopular with a large
amount of the clan
Chuck: (3:09 AM) True
RobVanDam: (3:10 AM) however, if he does it again,
there's no more protection of "I didn't know"
RobVanDam: (3:10 AM) or any other bullshit like that
Chuck: (3:10 AM) Well, he's been banned from the game,
so its doubtful that he'd do it again soon.
Chuck: (3:11 AM) He doesn't seem to like you anymore
than he does myself.
RobVanDam: (3:11 AM) I wouldn't be too surprised if HF
staff steps in and goes "After further review, this
punishment is too much, we're going to put Jewel on
probation for a week."
RobVanDam: (3:11 AM) no one from likes me
Chuck: (3:12 AM) How come? 
RobVanDam: (3:12 AM) because they're all complete and
utter fucking morons
RobVanDam: (3:12 AM) and I'm not one to lie
Chuck: (3:12 AM) I've heard about crawling with
lamers in the past.
RobVanDam: (3:13 AM) in the past? it's filled in the
RobVanDam: (3:13 AM) you'll have a hard time finding
someone with half a clue in there now
RobVanDam: (3:13 AM) let alone someone with half a
clue on how to leave
RobVanDam: (3:13 AM) Star is a nice guy and all
RobVanDam: (3:13 AM) but Homer is a fucking moron when
it comes to leading
Chuck: (3:14 AM) I meant in the past I've heard that
said. Haven't heard ppl talk about much the
last couple years though.
RobVanDam: (3:14 AM) oh, in the past definately,
that's when people like Star and Homer were just
RobVanDam: (3:14 AM) now they're leaders
RobVanDam: (3:14 AM) and you couldn't tell that
RobVanDam: (3:14 AM) the MOST they do is post the
exact same post for a person who asks recruitment
RobVanDam: (3:15 AM) they probably got it copied as a
notepad document somewhere on their desktops, the only
thing different between them is the ICQ number and the
RobVanDam: (3:15 AM) and that's literally the only
difference, it's the exact same word for word
RobVanDam: (3:15 AM) oh, and they post when someone's
recruitment is up, which like 3 people tops vote on
RobVanDam: (3:16 AM) it's filled with useless people
and run like a useless little clan
RobVanDam: (3:16 AM) but the new recruits and other
members mostly stick to their own little area, so no
one really cares
RobVanDam: (3:17 AM) it's not like they want to wear
tags or anything, so even if one of them fucks up,
there's probably about a 50-50 chance of HF being
RobVanDam: (3:17 AM) unless of course one of the
geniuses opens up their big mouths and start getting
in a 12 year old pissing contest, which is very, very,
likely if an argument would start up
Chuck: (3:18 AM) So, HF today is a zero in the world
RobVanDam: (3:18 AM) oh, very much so
RobVanDam: (3:18 AM) they MIGHT, and that's a big
MIGHT, have a little clout today if Sole stayed around
RobVanDam: (3:19 AM) but they have difficulty
organizing a little tourny, I'd be surprised if
they've even had one
RobVanDam: (3:19 AM) of course, they wouldn't tell you
this, they'd be saying how they'd had "difficulties"
or some shit
RobVanDam: (3:19 AM) and excuse almost as believable
as "it's my bro's account"
RobVanDam: (3:20 AM) an excuse*
RobVanDam: (3:20 AM) blah, lack of sleep is getting to
me, lol
Chuck: (3:20 AM) The bro's acct is the most common
dodge for multis 
RobVanDam: (3:21 AM) obviously, because it just gets
into an argument of he said this and he said that
RobVanDam: (3:21 AM) but that's a hell of alot of
RobVanDam: (3:22 AM) dammit, now I got courtroom
analogies running through my head because I finished
reading The Rainmaker about an hour ago, lol
Chuck: (3:22 AM) yes...3 email addies with jeweladdict
in them.....stupid
RobVanDam: (3:22 AM) I don't have a bro, but my
friends with bros wouldn't be nice enough to give them
one of their accounts
RobVanDam: (3:22 AM) they'd probably tell em to fuck
off and use hotmail
Chuck: (3:25 AM) Didnt' I tell you last night about
finding HYper in TDZK after his being banned running a
new account under the name hype and a ship named
hyperion and that he admitted that it was he, HYper? 
Well, his new IP got banned again today.
RobVanDam: (3:25 AM) $50 he's back again tomorrow
Chuck: (3:26 AM) I can remember the days when he'd
make HF Forum postings just 1 word or even letter long
so he could pad his post count......
RobVanDam: (3:27 AM) another $50 that's what the forum
is like in a year
Chuck: (3:29 AM) From DarkWulf:

Jewel is pissed and defensive, its not like we want to
make each other more mad.

Its fine if you don't like crector, but please deal
with it in a more appropriate forum

In other words, don't criticize the cheater, do it on
the non-cheater.
Chuck: (3:30 AM) in response to your post about Jewel
making an ass out of himself.
RobVanDam: (3:30 AM) yea, I kinda saw that
RobVanDam: (3:30 AM) I don't think Wuffy likes me to
begin with, lol
Chuck: (3:33 AM) Up until the current round of TDZK,
Jewel just seemed to be just another HF member, Yet,
to hear certain persons in the clan, you'd think that
Jewel was one of the geatest members or something.
RobVanDam: (3:34 AM) with the exception of a few
people in history, everyone is the greatest person to
someone else when that person has the slightest bit of
threat brought up in their name
RobVanDam: (3:35 AM) if that made any sense to you,
you need sleep too
Chuck: (3:35 AM) Probably.
RobVanDam: (3:35 AM) I can almost explain that when
I'm awake
Chuck: (3:35 AM) ok...guess I'll have to ask you when
you're awake then...
RobVanDam: (3:35 AM) basically, it's the basic thought
process, "He's not that mean!! I'm gonna stick up for
Chuck: (3:36 AM) ok
RobVanDam: (3:36 AM) basically think of it if you died
RobVanDam: (3:36 AM) Jewel would still hate you
RobVanDam: (3:36 AM) but your family and friends would
have really nice things to say about you
Chuck: (3:37 AM) undoubtedly.
RobVanDam: (3:37 AM) it's like that for everyone
RobVanDam: (3:37 AM) because there's 6 billion people
on this earth, and some of them must like you
RobVanDam: (3:37 AM) the small exceptions being people
like Hitler, who could still probably be loved in
small circles
Chuck: (3:37 AM) yes
Chuck: (3:38 AM) So how is Hel coming? Is it as great
as you thought that it would be?
RobVanDam: (3:38 AM) whenever something like banning
is brought up and the offense doesn't affect everyone
involved in the decision making, you're gonna be one
lucky bastard if ya don't run into it
RobVanDam: (3:39 AM) oh yea, we're #1 in the ladders
we're involved in (2) and we're expanding soon
RobVanDam: (3:39 AM) in BF that is
Chuck: (3:40 AM) Take ti that the leaders there know
what they're doing and they wouldnt; stick with
someone like Jewel?
RobVanDam: (3:40 AM) oh, not a chance
RobVanDam: (3:40 AM) HEL is run more like the United
States under the Articles of Confederation kinda
RobVanDam: (3:41 AM) the sections have a huge amount
of power, and the collective staff has very little
RobVanDam: (3:41 AM) but there's still a sense of
unity, while still giving power to the people involved
RobVanDam: (3:42 AM) when you join HEL, you join a
section of HEL, you're a member of HEL as a whole, but
the section you join under is the section you plan to
be most involved in
RobVanDam: (3:43 AM) it would be difficult to be
involved in more than one and such, the focus is to be
a member in one section, then if any conflicts are
brought up, the people that most likely pass judgement
are those who are in the most contact with the person
RobVanDam: (3:44 AM) that, and they try to keep 1
"Founder" per 7 section members, (a founder is like a
realm leader), just a nice ratio
Chuck: (3:45 AM) Sounds like the way that HF is
sipposed to be run....
RobVanDam: (3:45 AM) that's because it makes sense
RobVanDam: (3:45 AM) and it's enforced
RobVanDam: (3:45 AM) it wouldn't work for HF though
RobVanDam: (3:46 AM) I'd telll ya why, but I'm too
damn tired, and I'm gonna clean my room when I get up
which will take a hell of a long time, so I'll be back
in about 12 hours
RobVanDam: (3:46 AM) if ya wanna know why, ask me then
Chuck: (3:46 AM) ok...bye and good night, 
RobVanDam: (3:46 AM) g'night/g'mornin/whatever
RobVanDam: (3:46 AM) cya later :)
Chuck: (3:46 AM) c'ya!

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