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Jewel's Actions in TDZK

Jewel's Actions in TDZK

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Forsaken Elder

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 11:17 Post subject: Jewel's
Actions in TDZK Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
Jewel has not only engaged in wholesale cheating &
lying in TDZK, but he has also engaged in treason in
attempting to kill at least 1 of his House Forsaken
clanmates, that being myself. When I logged into TDZK,
planning on doing some serious trading, I found this
ship also docked at the Station at Sector #21195:

Sweeeet Revenge Freighter L: 140 30/14
Jewel [Online] Kitaran L: 15 [Examine]

Well, from the name of the ship alone, it was obvious
that Jewel was out for blood. Which is interesting in
light of the fact that he brought his troubles on
himself & I had nothing to do with it. I went to the
in-game alliance forums, checked msg's & stuff while
checking back to see if Jewel's ship was gone. It
never did leave & was always online. Consequently, I
did not attempt to do anything with my 11/17 Frigate.

There were some interesting msg's to read too such as:

03/17/03 23:15:58 EST from Chaortis (2733) Be on the
look out for jewel he wants to pod you something bad,
Thought I'd let you know.

03/18/03 01:27:43 EST from Chaortis (2733) If you are
preparing to undock crector don't jewel is sitting out
side your port waiting to pod you

03/18/03 01:32:54 EST from Chaortis (2733) no prob
where you at I just heard this through the grapevine

03/18/03 01:36:48 EST from Malhavoc (610) Jewel is
waiting for you to undock so he can kill you. IS that
why you are still in the port? If so, I'll wait
outside for him, you can make a run for the planet,
and I'll blast him.

About this time, whilst having an ICQ conv with former
HF leader RobVanDam, I heard the following on IRC from
the leader of the HF/TDZK's main ally, the Shadow

<Malhavoc> Jewel is waiting outside the port to kill
<crector> I know
<Malhavoc> We've got a little suprise prepared though.
<crector> thanks.
<Malhavoc> give me a sec and I'll have Desert Fox
position outside the port
<Malhavoc> Then we'll jump Jewel

I told RVD about it and then a little bit later, he
cut and pasted the following to this writer:

RobVanDam: (12:52 AM) [00:47] <Reaver|AFK> yep
[00:47] <RobVanDam> I can't wait for this, lol
[00:49] <Reaver|AFK> if he pods anyone in hf I'm gonna
place bounties so large they will rank 3rd in the
galaxy EACH, on his and all of his "brothers"
[00:50] <Reaver|AFK> unless our members pod him

Later, I had the following IRC Conv with Reaver:

<Reaver|AFK> jewel is hunting you
<crector> I know...heard from others
<Reaver|AFK> Dwelgar is nearby to pod him if he so
much as scratches you
<Reaver|AFK> he is outside your station
<Reaver|AFK> <Reaver|AFK> Jewel, pod anyone in HF and
I'll place a 100 mill bounty on every one of your
accounts and replace it every time it is fufilled
<Reaver|AFK> <Reaver|AFK> and you know I can afford it

Then, I decided to make a run for the planet to get
away from the Station.
That led to the following conv:

<crector> Should I try leaving the port?
<Malhavoc> just a sec
<Malhavoc> Ok, wait 10 seconds and then go.
<Malhavoc> Standing by to get him
<crector> I'll go now
<crector> 21196
<Malhavoc> Run for the planet or something
<crector> Didn't see him around but his drones were
<Malhavoc> WE'll kill jewel if he leaves.
<crector> ok
<crector> left
<Malhavoc> You still seem to be at 21195...
<Malhavoc> We're leaving in 1 minute.
<Malhavoc> I suggest you be safely docked at the
planet by then
<crector> yes
<crector> At the planet now...thanks
<crector> He must have been off task
<Malhavoc> apparently

<crector> I plotted course to the planet and got there
without Jewel even so much as saying boo
<crector> thank you
<Reaver|AFK> np

As it happens, I simply left the Station via plotted
course instead of warp jumping, because I wanted to
see if Jewel really would leave the Station in hot
pursuit. Jewel had the area around the Station at
#21195 loaded with Scout Drones. He would have known
from them that I had left the Station in the general
direction of the planet. Since I was on the Course
Plotter instead of the Subspace Jump Drive, I was
right out in the open to be attacked by Jewel at any
time he wanted to. Turns out that Jewel is not only a
cheater, a liar & a traitor but a coward as well.

Jewel was able to get his accounts in TDZK reninstated
at least for now, only because he posted a photograph
to the HF BBG Realm Forum purporting to be of himself
& his brothers. This caused Jerle to back down, but as
RVD pointed out on ICQ:

RobVanDam: (1:00 AM) oh he has a bro! look at the
RobVanDam: (1:00 AM) [/sarcasm]

Also, in another thread, Krioni reported that:

"Someone PM-ed me saying Jewel told them he doesn't
have a bro and he just uses that excuse for multi

Jewel is a cheater, liar & a traitor. On those grounds
alone, he is in direct violation of the rules &
standards that House Forsaken sets for its members.
Either House Forsaken should enforce those rules &
standards, or else it should drop them altogether and
stop pretending to be an honorable gaming clan. And
that's assuming that outside of the BBG & BF1942
realms that HF really is a gaming clan as opposed to
being a forum clan devoted to idle babble, chatter &

And if that is not enough, Jewel has been subjected to
a lawsuit over wholesale violations of the copyright
laws of the United States. Jewel's defense of himself
against those charges bears an uncanny resemblance to
his defense against charges of cheating in TDZK. In
any event, one only wonders what the real life police
officer who back in 1996 founded House Forsaken thinks
of 1 of his members breaking the very same laws that
he is sworn to uphold & enforce.

House Forsaken must expel Jewel from its ranks if it
is to maintain at least the pretence of upholding high
standards and being a clan of honor & integrity.
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Forsaken Priest

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 17:13 Post subject: Reply
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the only thing i can say in your defense, you dont
know jewel, thats how you can make these accusations.
jewel does infact have 4 brothers.

you do realize why he made the attempt to kill you in
tdzk right? if you dont ill point it out. youre being
an asshole. stop posting this crap all over the
forums. i know im not the only one who thinks its a
bit overdone.

<Ragnarok> sorry making a post
<Sargonnas> he he
<Sargonnas> it's ok what's it about?
<Ragnarok> its about the current events in bbg
<Sargonnas> which are?
<Ragnarok> a reply to one of crector's posts
<Ragnarok> to end this bullshit
<Sargonnas> which post?
* Sargonnas rolls eyes

you are the one escalating this, had you not been,
jewel wouldnt have been pushed to the extremes, its
not in his character to do so. i can say this because
ive known him for years. using robs quote only makes
you look worse, as rob doesnt know jewel at all.

did jewel cheat in tdzk? yes, but not the way you say.
hyp and him switched ships halfway into the raid on
friday because jewel couldnt keep coming back to
repair. we all know that. infact everyone in the
channel at the time knew they were doing this, does
this make us all cheaters, knowing the fact that they
were doing this and continuing the raid? if so i guess
we all should be banned eh?

as for treason for trying to kill you, i actually
think thats sort of funny, in the terms of viewing
this as a game. you go around stirring up all this
commotion to get him kicked out of hf, and instead of
him countering you on the forums in the same fashion
he decides to take it in-game. since he left the
alliance how can it be treason? that hes in the same
online clan and trying to kill another clan member?
its between you two not everyone else, you spouted off
too much and got him angry obviously, and got me angry
as well.

completely off topic, same with a portion of your
post, jewels rl lawsuit is nothing more than
stupidity. not the fact he got caught once, but twice.
but since this is an online gaming clan i guess we
should carefully screen each and every applicant from
now on for even the slightest illegal activity, for we
dont want to be associated with them, right? if you
can honestly tell me you dont know anyone in your life
that doesnt do anything illegal, including things as
little as jay-walking, kudos to you. last but not
least his rl issue was something he felt he wanted to
share with us, he wasnt told to thats why hes accepted
anything people have said about it.

the punishment you so desperately want is not fit for
the crime, others have cheated or known about this
incident while it was being played out and could have
stopped it then, we cant kick the entire bbg list of
people who were there, or could we?

so crector, whos out for blood?[/u][/url]
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UnOfficial F0ruM wh0r3

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 18:03 Post subject: Reply
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like i told jewel, this won't end until if one of you
keep making it bigger (he something about "soon as i
pod someone it'll be over" and no he never said a
also, how is it treason and "attempting" to kill if he
never even fires a shot? he never said who he was
going to kill while i was on irc (but yeah...i think
we all know, and after this post...anyone could figure
out why)
i wish you'd both just fucking quit this shit, but it
seems neither of you are big enough men to take the
first step, nice example setting by realm
leaders/exleader huh? icon_evil.gif

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Protectorate of the Forsaken

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 18:29 Post subject: Reply
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I dont think anyone here knows Henry as well as i do,
every game he plays he tries to be the best at it and
help others out, especially HF members. Over his past
3 years as a member he's probably done or try to do
more then any other members, so for you Crector, a
nobody, to try get him booted; just seems to me like a
way for you to get attention. Hyp and Jewel have a
relationship where they can trust one another to use
each others accounts, that doesnt seem like a crime at
all, something new to play with to keep you
entertained, but i guess the rules of this GAME are
different. However if there is a problem you Crector,
the leader of the realm need to bring this up amongst
the other leaders not post nonsense in the forums to
try to smear Henry's image. Youre lucky, becuase if i
was jewel i would have made sure your boot gets blown
up 10 times over

"It is better to be hated for who you are, then loved
for who you're not"

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Protectorate of the Forsaken

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 18:32 Post subject: Reply
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Oh 1 more thing, i go to Jewels house everyweekend and
i play tdzk there as well...what are you gonna do
about that?

I know, not a damn thing

"It is better to be hated for who you are, then loved
for who you're not"

"Nodoby's a virgin, life screws us all"
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ForsakeN JeweL
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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 19:06 Post subject: Reply
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crector, you made this personal.
Its all just a game, and you seem to take this all
personally, so personally that you seem to think im
the devil.... what do you have against me? You vbring
all these totally unrelated things into the mix. You
are acting very unprofessional, and very unmature.
Arent you like some 37 year old guy? I expected
more... First off, and even i know this, if you have a
problem with someone... the first thing you do is TALK
TO THEM, not post it so that the whole world knows. I
have tried my hardest to get a lot of people involved
with TDZK from HF, and when DF resigned as the leader
of HF1, i was there to pick it up and keep the ball
rolling. I thought you were a decent guy, you helped
me out with learning the game and such, but out of
nowhere you start bagging on me and HY. A real leader
never places blame, and is a mediator... both skills
that you are lacking in. You question my credibility
and such, but are you aware that this is just a game?
HF is my family, and what you have done in the past 2
days has been nothing more than a smear campaign to
make me look bad. As you can see though, i have my own
arsenal, everyone that i have become good friends with
over the past 3-4 years, and they know who i truly am
and can back me up. The sad thing is that all of the
new friends i have made while being in TDZK all think
of me as some type of scum... Good luck with your
smear campaign, you have been downgraded to RVD's
level. That is, you are OBSOLETE. I no longer
acknowledge your existence, and will not reply to this
thread any longer.

You seem to be making more and more enemies Chuck,
watch your step...

To everyone else: I will gladly resign from HF is that
is what you all want. I've had an awesome time
representing HF, and would hate to see it end this
way... but you guys have no idea how much it sucks to
see all these people i thought i was friends with turn
their backs on me... Up to you. Someone PM me with the
results of this, I'm sick of all this drama, and
having all these flames from people who were my

the politics... ridiculous

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Almost-Official F0ruM wh0r3

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 20:09 Post subject: Reply
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Well said.


The Gamers Clan
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Dark Personaz
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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 20:20 Post subject: Reply
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shit, I had a problem when Jewel first joined, he
pissed me off in a game of SC/BW... but you know what,
After playing with him in D2 on a few games I got to
like the poor basterd. And all I can see going on is a
lot of shit. (this is from an unbiased outsiders point
of view)

Stop it and grow up children, were not in 2nd grade
I dont know how much is true, but this does smell
fishy to me, and its all bull as far as im concerned.
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Spawn of the Dark One

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PostPosted: 18 Mar 2003 20:21 Post subject: Reply
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Jewel might of told someone he was going to pod you,
but he didn't. I can't punish him for that.
If he does, I will kick him out of the BBG.

Now, I don't ever want to see anyone come into my
realm and call one of my members a nothing. In fact
Crector is a leader of this realm, that alone demands
respect from you in this forum. To you he might be a
nothing, but he is an elected(yes elected) leader of
the BBG and if you say anything like that again, I
will ask you to not ever post in this forum again.

More over, this topic is not healthy. Until Jewel
actually does something, stop posting it here. I do
believe you have the right to post it here, but rumors
are only escalating the matter.

I have no time right now to read anything else on this

Stop posting about it please.

crector, only post what isfact, not rumor.
Jewel, don't threaten any BBGer
Manchine, don't insult my members.

BBG Realm Leader

In case of Rapture, this forum account will become unmanned.

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