Saturday, August 29, 2015

March 23rd, 2003 Exchange With Pinkus

Mar 23 - 19:55 crector(HF)
3 things:

1st, my fleet is now set to mining metals for the

2nd, I've got 100 ships & want to have ships of all
varieties in the fleet. To whom should I transfer some
of the MF's & where would I park them so that the new
owner can pick them up?

3rd, Contrary to what K/P said, the meeting had indeed
started & even if it hadn't, then kick/banning would
still have been warranted. Hyperion was shouting such
things as "RAPE HIM!," "beep*beep," making references
to R. Kelly and stuff. I talked to Jerle about it
later, and Jerle who had read the logs , completely
agreed that kick/banning was fully warranted. Jerle
also agreed that it would be a waste of time to bother
posting about it to the HF Forum since by that time,
it was quite obvious that no matter what the facts,
the HF leadership was bound & determined to coddle the
cheaters. As for the "so-called meeting" bit, there
were roughly 20 active players there.

- Reply - LogMar 23 - 19:38 Pinkus(HF)
You rebel :)
FYI the so called meeting they had wasn't even started
yet and the certain higher up was me. The reason he
said crector wasn't HF material was because he stopped
listening and doing as his superiors said.

HousE ForsakeN - Reply - LogMar 23 - 19:33 crector(HF)
In reference to some of the previous posts here:

I joined up with House Forsaken because at that time ,
it was an honorable guild. It no longer is. I do not
wish to belong to a clan that condones cheating &
other bad stuff.

There is also a lot of other stuff in this case that I
never did post to the forum, that you guys probably
don't know about notwithstanding UsuRpeR's drivel
about how I was "spamming" the forum. Believe me, if I
really wanted to, I could have posted a whole lot more
to the HF Forum than I did.

For instance, on Thursday there was a meeting on the
HF IRC #tdzk room to coordinate a planet bust. Well,
Hyperion showed up and proceeded to spam it up &
completely disrupted the proceedings. As a result, I
had to kick/ban him from the room. Hyperion thereupon
complained to a certain higher up who then ICQ'd this
writer and demanded that I let Hyperion back in the
#tdzk room. I refused, pointing out that since
Hyperion was banned from playing TDZK, then he had no
business being in the #tdzk room in the first place.
The higher up then said to go to a HF IRC room where
Aeon, the 2nd in command of HF was. Aeon gave Yours
Truly a direct order to let Hyperion back in the #tdzk
room, which I refused. Aeon then proceeded to accuse
this writer of not being "HF material." Just 1 week
earlier, such a statement would have been a mortal
insult, but by Thursday, it was like water off a
duck's back. Then, both Aeon & the higher up proceeded
to babble about how I had "complete disrespect for
higher authority." The irony here is that even if I
were willing to let Hyperion back in the #tdzk room, I
wouldn't have been able to since my knowledge of such
things is quite limited.

As for the idea of an OMGN SE game, the basic idea is
to have both a Solar Empire Guide & a matching SE
game. As of now, I think that it will still come off
this summer. If you have any suggestions or ideas for
it, please feel free to post them here or email them
to As for that
forwarding address, its still going strong sending
roughly 90% of all the spam that I receive.

P.S.: You may have noticed that lately I've been using
the name, "Hyperion," whereas until recently I always
used either -=HY=- or HYper. There's a good reason for
that. Back in the original Space Merchant, there was a
Forsaken member (remember Warlock?) named Hyperion who
was the sort of player who gave the term "lamer" a bad
name. In my mine, I didn't want to call our guy
"Hyperion," since that was also the name of a scumbag.
Now, I call him Hyperion & he doesn't even realize
that he's being insulted.

- Reply - Log

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