Sunday, August 30, 2015

House Forsaken Goes to Hell

Post from the HF Forum from March, 2003 that was subsequently deleted, but not before I could save it:

crector Very Disappointed with HF Leadership Decision about HY/Jewel
The HF leadership basically took the position that HY & Jewel actions
deserved no more than a slap on the wrist. Jewel posted to the HF Forum
a picture purporting to be of his “brothers” and Jerle backed down.

Anyways, just had the following ICQ conv with a former HF leader, about
the kind of stuff going on behind the scenes in HF:

119942914: (10:14 PM) [20:46] can anyone explain this TDZK in a few

[20:46] yea
[20:46] its really fun
[20:46] what should i be really doing when i first start?
[20:46] addicting
[20:47] read the tutorials on the right
[20:47] just the trade and

119942914: (10:14 PM) came back to my comp and saw that in IRC, serious
or not, I don’t know, just thought you’d like to know stuff said about

119942914: (10:14 PM) I know I would if I had to, but I just get
everyone to hate me and I don’t need to know what they say about me, I
just know it’s all bad
Chuck: (10:15 PM) Interesting. Read the tutorials, but didn’t catch the
part about using multi accounts.

RobVanDam: (10:17 PM) lol

Chuck: (10:19 PM) Just like he doesn’t seem to understand that there are
laws against illegally distributing other folks’s creations. If it feels
good, do it.

RobVanDam: (10:20 PM) just hope like I do, he carries that same attitude
into court

Chuck: (10:20 PM) Absolutely.
RobVanDam: (10:21 PM) kinda sad how no one gets punished anymore
RobVanDam: (10:21 PM) this hardcore probabtion will be a joke
Chuck: (10:21 PM) yes. HF seems to be going to the dogs.
RobVanDam: (10:21 PM) I can’t remember the last decent recruit HF got
RobVanDam: (10:22 PM) last one I remember was when BF was startin up,
about 6 months ago maybe

Chuck: (10:22 PM) Kind of weird that the likes of Sirthpal & TheMadWeaz
get banned for far less than what HYper or Jewel did.
Chuck: (10:24 PM) Theres a guy named Bakito who’s up for a vote in the
BBG Realm who’s a decent recruit.
RobVanDam: (10:24 PM) yea, but then compare it to other current recruits
RobVanDam: (10:25 PM) you got one of the biggest bigots you’ll ever meet
in Crook, and what’s the excuse? “He’s from Mississippi, what do you
RobVanDam: (10:25 PM) this coming from Homer, the 2nd in the realm
RobVanDam: (10:26 PM) under that logic, I can be just as racist seeing
as though I’m born in Idaho and I live in the whitest voting district in
America, but if I were to say any of that shit, I’d be banned from the
forum for a month
Chuck: (10:26 PM) I know. Recruited Pagan in November, but he stabbed us
in the back in Space Merchant Realms, just because the HF leader in that
game said something on IM that he didn’t like.
Chuck: (10:26 PM) Homer is the guy who said that HF uses hacking in
Diablo 2 as some sort of defense for what HYper did.
RobVanDam: (10:27 PM) Homer’s a fucking dumbass
RobVanDam: (10:27 PM) he was one of the dumbfucks that wouldn’t wear a
tag in WC3 at the start when I was the realm leader because of their
precious records
RobVanDam: (10:27 PM) when he became a leader, his goal wasn’t to
rebuild the realm, it was to rebuild his useless fucking NS
Chuck: (10:29 PM) Yes. What happened in TDZK lately is the single worst
thing that’s happened in HF that I’m aware of since I joined up in
October, 2000…..and basically nothing’s being done about it.
RobVanDam: (10:30 PM) I’d say the worst is the entire CS realm being
overruled by one person (Lami) but of course I’m biased
Chuck: (10:30 PM) Thing is, HYper has really pushed the envelope on
other occaisions, but he somehow has escaped anything more severe than a
slap on the wrist,
RobVanDam: (10:30 PM) everyone did
RobVanDam: (10:30 PM) hell, look at all the shit I pulled when I was in
HF, lol
Chuck: (10:31 PM) What is Hel like?
RobVanDam: (10:31 PM) the way I’d run a clan, you’d never see any
bullshit like this
RobVanDam: (10:31 PM) active leaders, the leaders expect a certain level
of maturity and such of their members
RobVanDam: (10:32 PM) none of this Canada is better than America crap,
or Bush vs. Saddam, they have half a clue and banned all that shit to
stop any future problems
Chuck: (10:32 PM) About the stuff you pulled, the thing that I remember
about you most is that when that anusandy guy came to HF to recruit for
his widdle clan and you did some magazine covers to lampoon him….
RobVanDam: (10:33 PM) bah, that was nothing
RobVanDam: (10:33 PM) I still got recordings of Apollo making barn yard
Chuck: (10:34 PM) About how long do you think that HF will last the way
that its going?
RobVanDam: (10:34 PM) depends, how long will it be of any signifigance?
it ain’t of any right now
RobVanDam: (10:35 PM) people talk about how superior HF is and all this
bullshit, compare it to a clan like HEL, or the hundreds like it
RobVanDam: (10:35 PM) you could go out and pick at random, you’ll most
likely find something better than HF
Chuck: (10:36 PM) HF is pretty strong in BBG’s like SMR & TDZK, but the
clan doesn’t care a lot about BBGs and most of the in-game HF players
don’t even try the recruitment process.
RobVanDam: (10:36 PM) recruitment in HF is a joke
RobVanDam: (10:37 PM) you can’t get anyone removed, so you HAVE to get
out the bad apples in recruitment now
RobVanDam: (10:37 PM) but no one can really expect for a month or two to
accurately represent someone
RobVanDam: (10:37 PM) that’s why clans like HEL are good, they don’t
give a fuck who you are, or how long you’ve been a member, if you’re a
jackass, you’re gone
Chuck: (10:39 PM) Well, both Omega Renegade, the HF leader in SMR & I
take care to submit only the best folks that we can find who’s willing
to go through the stupid process. I’ve known a lot of good, mature
players who have refused to go through it, since they don’t see any
point in it. The way they see it, once you sign up, you ought to be
considered a member.
RobVanDam: (10:40 PM) yea, I’ve notice a pattern, anyone with half a
clue on how to lead can make a successful realm in HF
Chuck: (10:41 PM) About when did HF stop practicing what it preaches
about standards? When Arwen went to college.
RobVanDam: (10:41 PM) nah, they’ve been that way for a while
RobVanDam: (10:41 PM) all talk and no action
Chuck: (10:47 PM) The main problem is that Aeon is way too forgiving and
UsuRpeR has hardly any time for the clan anymore. Yet, he wants to be
the supreme leader….
Chuck: (10:51 PM) Just saw in the BBG Realm Forum that Krioni wimped out
on HYper’s punishment,,,,,probation. Luckily for us, Iron Ring seems to
be taking it in stride. They haven’t even complained about it.
RobVanDam: (11:26 PM) well, in Dave’s defense, it’s hard to let
something go that you spent your time and effort to create. He has his
priorities straight right now, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The
thing is there isn’t a hard-ass for a leader, and without that you’re
just pissing away time
Chuck: (11:28 PM) Of all the current officers in HF, are there any who
you think is up to the task of being that kind of “hard-ass” leader?
RobVanDam: (11:29 PM) who’s active?
RobVanDam: (11:29 PM) Sean comes to mind, but it’s not a 100%
RobVanDam: (11:29 PM) the BBG realm has their act together, but I doubt
they could take over
Chuck: (11:29 PM) I mean the realm moderators and stuff
RobVanDam: (11:29 PM) no, not a chance
Chuck: (11:29 PM) By Sean, you mean MadDog?
RobVanDam: (11:29 PM) yes
RobVanDam: (11:30 PM) but I doubt he’s 100% capable
RobVanDam: (11:30 PM) but of the current active clan staff, he’s
definately number 1
RobVanDam: (11:30 PM) because the current clan staff is only him, Aeon,
and Lami
Chuck: (11:32 PM) Well,, I don’t have any confidence in Aeon any more
since he treated what happened in TDZK as if it were only a vendetta
against Hyper
RobVanDam: (11:32 PM) Aeon is all talk, he’s ignorant too
RobVanDam: (11:32 PM) he’s one of the people who keep talking as if HF
is superior
RobVanDam: (11:32 PM) and his excuse for everything now is HF is a
“gaming guild”
RobVanDam: (11:33 PM) which is 1) Hardly gaming and 2) Sucking at it in
most respects
RobVanDam: (11:33 PM) until someone comes in with the will and the time
to turn things around, HF will only be a forum clan
Chuck: (11:34 PM) ok…in store bought games yes. the HF alliance in SMR
NG #6 is the #1 ranked alliance. However, only 4 regular HF members in
it and hardly any interest of the other players to even try the
recruitment process.

RobVanDam: (11:35 PM) yea, but that’s what I mean

Chuck: (11:35 PM) In TDZK, not as high ranked, but we were moving
upwards until the HYper garbage happened.

RobVanDam: (11:35 PM) in a clan of over “300+ members” but at most 150
accounted for, how many active do we have? 4?

RobVanDam: (11:37 PM) and the BBG at least is getting support
Chuck: (11:37 PM) You mean as players?

RobVanDam: (11:37 PM) I mean as realms period, everything outside of BBG
and BF is a joke

RobVanDam: (11:37 PM) CS can’t even organize a fucking practice, WC3
can’t hold a tourny

RobVanDam: (11:38 PM) WoT is, well, WoT, there’s about 8 clans maybe,
and we just recruited the best one.

Chuck: (11:38 PM) Well, I don’t know anything about the realms outside
of BBG on playing games. In BBG, most of the members are at least fairly
active players.

RobVanDam: (11:38 PM) that’s because you got decent members

RobVanDam: (11:39 PM) CS members are useless

RobVanDam: (11:39 PM) WC3 are even worse

RobVanDam: (11:39 PM) WoT are good, but they don’t belong

RobVanDam: (11:39 PM) EQ is off on it’s own

Chuck: (11:39 PM) EQ is basically dead from what I’ve heard.

RobVanDam: (11:39 PM) BF has good members, but they got zero support

Chuck: (11:40 PM) How do you define support?

RobVanDam: (11:40 PM) I mean anything

RobVanDam: (11:40 PM) they JUST got a website

RobVanDam: (11:40 PM) about 9 months after the game’s released and the
realm becomes active

RobVanDam: (11:40 PM) never got a server
RobVanDam: (11:40 PM) never got nothing
RobVanDam: (11:41 PM) and the BF realm had more matches, practices,
whatever the hell you want to compare, BF had more than CS and WC3
RobVanDam: (11:41 PM) in many cases combined
Chuck: (11:41 PM) BBG really doesn’t have a website. Just a
half-completed thing. For our purposes, a website is unnecessary.
RobVanDam: (11:41 PM) yea, but for a group of 10 guys, it’s a hell of
alot easier to direct a potential recruit to say
RobVanDam: (11:42 PM) than “ok, go to
RobVanDam: (11:42 PM) look for BF1942
RobVanDam: (11:42 PM) and look for trhe recruit posts”
Chuck: (11:42 PM) We just direct them to
RobVanDam: (11:45 PM) meh
RobVanDam: (11:45 PM) either way, we had 1/4th their member base and
were more active in the gaming community
RobVanDam: (11:45 PM) and in the gaming community, we were successful
Chuck: (11:46 PM) “were” does that mean that BF1942 isn’t so successful
RobVanDam: (11:47 PM) I don’t know anymore, I’m not integral in it
RobVanDam: (11:47 PM) me and James were two big figures in it, but I am
pretty sure it will continue on good
RobVanDam: (11:47 PM) the people we recruited are smart, they started
organizing stuff when we were too busy, they’re smart enough to keep
goin smoothly
RobVanDam: (11:48 PM) granted, the person who gets appointed to take our
place isn’t much of a surprise
RobVanDam: (11:48 PM) Lami’s twin bro, who had never played teh game
with us at all
RobVanDam: (11:48 PM) who doesn’t even know the basic things of how we
meet and such
Chuck: (11:48 PM) So in the past, HF provided servers for its members,
but it doesn;t anymore?
RobVanDam: (11:48 PM) and he’s given leadership
RobVanDam: (11:48 PM) CS got one
RobVanDam: (11:48 PM) CS had 2 I think
RobVanDam: (11:49 PM) other realms didn’t need servers
Chuck: (11:49 PM) Given leadership right after getting back to HF after
RobVanDam: (11:49 PM) yea, he’s been inactive for lord knows how long
RobVanDam: (11:49 PM) he was in military training
RobVanDam: (11:49 PM) just got back, and just got power
RobVanDam: (11:50 PM) fucking HF politics is getting insane
Chuck: (11:50 PM) Well youknow what they say about connections,
connections, connections
RobVanDam: (11:52 PM) lol, that’s probably why I lasted so long
Chuck: (11:53 PM) Take it that you left because you got mad as hell and
couldn’t take it anymore?
RobVanDam: (11:54 PM) that, and the entire CS realm was overruled in
kicking out a member of their realm, when I alone already had double the
power needed to do it
Chuck: (11:55 PM) Who was that?
RobVanDam: (11:56 PM) who, the overruler, or the member that was to be
kicked out
Chuck: (11:56 PM) the member who wasn’t kicked out.
RobVanDam: (11:57 PM) Elmin
Chuck: (11:57 PM) Jimmy Page?
RobVanDam: (11:57 PM) whatever the fuck that dumbass goes by now
Chuck: (11:58 PM) Why was he kept? Take it that Laminad or Aeon were the
RobVanDam: (11:58 PM) Lami
RobVanDam: (11:59 PM) Aeon agreeing after listening to Lami
RobVanDam: (11:59 PM) of course, I didn’t get any say in it
RobVanDam: (11:59 PM) by the time I got to talk to Lami, the decision
was all made
RobVanDam: (11:59 PM) and of course, with that decision, it doesn’t
matter what you say with one item of power, or the second, or with the
entire realm backing you
RobVanDam: (12:00 AM) Lami said it, so it must be obeyed
RobVanDam: (12:00 AM) if I can get Usk, one of Elmin’s friends, one of
the people who LIKES Elm to go along with me, that HAS to be a fucking
clue doesn’t it?
Chuck: (12:01 AM) Got this from StormFire earlier in a PM:

In other words, if the shit hits the fan, we’ll fix it, otherwise we let
the Realm Leader do their job, dont wanna step on their toes. It is,
after all, their Realms.

RobVanDam: (12:01 AM) bullshit
RobVanDam: (12:01 AM) you need a MAJOR offense
RobVanDam: (12:01 AM) and you need to act RIGHT THEN
RobVanDam: (12:02 AM) otherwise, “It wouldn’t be fair”
Chuck: (12:02 AM) Yes it is aclue. SF kind of contradicts what went on.
I’m pretty sure that Krioni didn’t want to give HYper just a slap on the

RobVanDam: (12:03 AM) I’d love to see someone just step up and go all
gung ho on punishments

Chuck: (12:03 AM) Yes, absolutely.
RobVanDam: (12:03 AM) I would have LOVED to see BBG go on the forums
publicly about strong punishment on HY and Jewel

RobVanDam: (12:03 AM) and if Aeon would have even touched them, I would
have had a field day

Chuck: (12:04 AM) Well I did on the Gen Disc Forum and Aeon moved it to
the Uth Nagor thing and locked it.

RobVanDam: (12:05 AM) yea, I mean like hardcore
RobVanDam: (12:05 AM) I dunno, it’s probably on a scale only I would
have the guts to do

RobVanDam: (12:05 AM) but then again, I never care what people think of

Chuck: (12:07 AM) Earlier, when Jewel posted to the BBG Realm Forum
about Friday night’s operation, I deleted the thread and told him not to
post about the op until after it was over with since enemies might read
it on the forum. What did he do? He postied about it on the Gen Disc
Forum. Unbelievable.

RobVanDam: (12:08 AM) and what’s worse, nothing bad will happen unless
new leadership is installed

RobVanDam: (12:08 AM) remember that one post that Darkwulf and Krioni
made about things that need changing?

Chuck: (12:09 AM) From what I can tell, all of the Clan Staff treated
what happened in TDZK as just minor stuff.

RobVanDam: (12:09 AM) because they’re fucking retarded
Chuck: (12:09 AM) NOt sure on what post you mean.
RobVanDam: (12:09 AM) it was old
RobVanDam: (12:09 AM) it had good content, but Darkwulf went about the
wrong way of posting it

RobVanDam: (12:10 AM) because he singled out the BBG as a the only good
realm in HF, which don’t help reform

RobVanDam: (12:10 AM) if someone were to post that exact same thing with
all the BBG stuff takin out, saying basically everything said here,
stuff might be done
RobVanDam: (12:11 AM) because a large majority of HF is sheep
RobVanDam: (12:11 AM) I COULD have changed HF to look very much like
HEL, but it would have taken me,alone, about 6 months to do it
Chuck: (12:11 AM) On what board was it posted and about when? I could
look it up and post an improved version.
RobVanDam: (12:12 AM) I’ll find it, this kinda stuff is my specialty
Chuck: (12:12 AM) thank you
RobVanDam: (12:12 AM) might be too old though
Chuck: (12:13 AM) You mean from the old forum?
RobVanDam: (12:13 AM) no, just might be very very buried in this forum,
meaning I’d have to go thread by thread
RobVanDam: (12:13 AM) and it’s spread out over many forums
RobVanDam: (12:13 AM) I think it might be in the OLD member’s only
forum, meaning it’d be inaccessable
Chuck: (12:15 AM) I guess I do remember a DW post once that said that
BBG was the best realm and that the others needed reform to be as good
as we were.
Chuck: (12:15 AM) Or something like that.
RobVanDam: (12:19 AM) it wasn’t really a BBG is the best clan ever
RobVanDam: (12:19 AM) it was more how there are problems in HF
RobVanDam: (12:19 AM) he just said it horribly horribly wrong
Chuck: (12:22 AM) Aeon on the Uth Nagor thread explaining his view on
the HYper thing to UsuRpeR:

dave, i locked it because there is another post that explains everything
and you’ll see its a bit more comlpicated that just ‘he cheated’.

Its only more complicated in that what HYper could have started a war
that we would have a good chance of losing.

RobVanDam: (12:22 AM) and how much does Aeon care?

RobVanDam: (12:23 AM) I’m tempted to dig out my Aeon logs for a good ol’

RobVanDam: (12:23 AM) one sec

Chuck: (12:23 AM) zilch

RobVanDam: (12:31 AM) lol, I found a funny old log

Chuck: (12:32 AM) From the in-game HF1 Alliance Forum:

21:58] but you didn’t see us stooping so low as to CHEAT to try and make
things work.
[21:58] right
[21:59] well you see
[21:59] its a game
[21:59] a small little thing
[21:59] no one got hurt
Chuck: (12:32 AM) 21:59] but if you want to take it personally
[21:59] go for it
Chuck: (12:33 AM) From the logs on the forum, its clear that Jewel
admitted then that he cheated.
RobVanDam: (12:34 AM) want to read a boring log about how serious Aeon
can get when his power is threatened?
RobVanDam: (12:35 AM) or exposed
Chuck: (12:35 AM) Sure

RobVanDam: (12:35 AM) back with the whole HF FU fiasco, I was one of the
people that wandered into this thing where we found we had a spy in FU
RobVanDam: (12:36 AM) secretly feeding Aeon stuff
Chuck: (12:37 AM) And Aeon reacted like a scalded cat?
RobVanDam: (12:37 AM) he acted all powerful pretty much, lol
Chuck: (12:38 AM) How did he reach his position? Hardly any of the Clan
Staff seem to really know what they’re doing.
RobVanDam: (12:39 AM) can I get your email, this new proggie can’t
RobVanDam: (12:39 AM) Aeon basically usurped others
RobVanDam: (12:39 AM) Lami got his handed to him on a silver platter
RobVanDam: (12:39 AM) Sean, don’t knwo
Chuck: (12:39 AM) yes.

RobVanDam: (12:39 AM) Stormy I think was way back in the day
Chuck: (12:41 AM) Thinking back on it, the decline might have started
when ATmo left. Never did really understand that episode.
RobVanDam: (12:41 AM) nah, I’d say about a year ago when newer people
came to power
RobVanDam: (12:41 AM) because alot of the people now don’t have a clue
RobVanDam: (12:41 AM) 2 years ago membership started going down
Chuck: (12:42 AM) When the old time section leaders like BlueFiche were
RobVanDam: (12:42 AM) yea
RobVanDam: (12:42 AM) him, Castaway, those types
Chuck: (12:46 AM) Right now on HF IRC:

Jewel is waiting outside the port to kill you.
I know
We’ve got a little suprise prepared though.
give me a sec and I’ll have Desert Fox position outside the port
Then we’ll jump Jewel

RobVanDam: (12:47 AM) haha
Chuck: (12:48 AM) What caused the FU guys to jump ship? The kind of
stuff we’ve been talking about?
RobVanDam: (12:48 AM) a whole bunch of bullshit
RobVanDam: (12:49 AM) I never liked Sarv to begin with, but if you can
get behind and truely see Aeon and Lami, they’re REALLY power hungry
Chuck: (12:51 AM) From the port at #21195:

Sweeeet Revenge Freighter L: 140 30/14
Jewel [Online] Kitaran L: 15 [Examine]
RobVanDam: (12:52 AM) [00:47] yep
[00:47] I can’t wait for this, lol
[00:49] if he pods anyone in hf I’m gonna place bounties so large they
will rank 3rd in the galaxy EACH, on his and all of his “brothers”
[00:50] unless our members pod him sufficiently
Chuck: (12:57 AM) Did you see Jerle’s post on the email addys that
Jewel’s “brothers” used?

All starting with jeweladdict
RobVanDam: (12:57 AM) but one was his that he gave to his bro’s!
RobVanDam: (12:58 AM) honest!
Chuck: (12:59 AM) I doubt he even has a brother. Back when I was in the
TM and we had our own SE game, there was a guy who Spiritclaw caught
with 8 accounts all using the same email address all created in 45
minutes time span who claimed that they were all accounts of family
RobVanDam: (1:00 AM) oh he has a bro! look at the pic!!
RobVanDam: (1:00 AM) [/sarcasm]
Chuck: (1:01 AM) [19:44] hey aeon, is it possible to remove someone
from HF for
lack of intelligence and call it lack of maturity?
[19:45] no i can’t just kick out azues
[19:45] uhh
[19:45] i mean..

Chuck: (1:02 AM) Very graceful of Aeon there…
RobVanDam: (1:02 AM) I was begging to kcik Azues out for weeks
Chuck: (1:04 AM) Just happened t think that most of the clans that have
been close to HF such as the DOH and Flesheaterz are dead now.
RobVanDam: (1:06 AM) yup
Chuck: (1:06 AM) Is Josh the same guy as Slushy?
RobVanDam: (1:06 AM) noooooo
Chuck: (1:07 AM) ok…Slushy messed up big on Friday night;s raid along
with HYper. He playws TDZK under the name of Josiah.
Chuck: (1:08 AM) [23:36] you should learn not to bite the hand that
[23:37] you need to learn to adjust your mentality for
the situation

And they say that HF is a mature gaming clan with no room for lamers……..
RobVanDam: (1:08 AM) lol
Chuck: (1:11 AM) [23:39] hf is meaningless So that’s what his attitude
Chuck: (1:14 AM) Well, from what you sent, Aeon is a uber-lamer.
RobVanDam: (1:14 AM) lol
RobVanDam: (1:15 AM) you wouldn’t believe how long I’ve been waiting to
show that to someone
Chuck: (1:16 AM) If you showed it to me before the TDZK hogwash, I might
have thought that you had fabricated it.
RobVanDam: (1:16 AM) lol
RobVanDam: (1:16 AM) I ain’t one to lie, it’s more fun to catch people
in the act
RobVanDam: (1:21 AM)
RobVanDam: (1:21 AM) my favorite example of catching someone
Chuck: (1:21 AM) Yes. When I first posted to the BBG Realm Forum, I felt
for sure that HYper at least would get kicked from his position of the
GRFX Forum
RobVanDam: (1:21 AM) scroll down to the very bottom and my last large
post and log from 3 to the bottom
RobVanDam: (1:21 AM) if you’re too lazy, just read the summation
RobVanDam: (1:22 AM) HY couldn’t be kicked for anything that little!
that wouldn’t be fair!
RobVanDam: (1:22 AM) I’d show ya the log from Lami telling me what’s
gonna happen with Elm, but it’d be only one sided
RobVanDam: (1:23 AM) because I spammed the hell out of him in PM because
he muted me so he could talk without being interrupted, lol
Chuck: (1:31 AM) Laminad sounds even more lame than Aeon….
RobVanDam: (1:32 AM) I’d think he’s more power hungry than anyone I’ve
ever met
RobVanDam: (1:33 AM) you know those stuck up preppy’s that are
presidents of all these organizations and shit like that?
Chuck: (1:33 AM) Lami’s one of them?
RobVanDam: (1:33 AM) yuppers
Chuck: (1:34 AM) HF seems more and more like High School….the “pop kids”
in charge and totally unfit for their offices…..
RobVanDam: (1:34 AM) yup
RobVanDam: (1:34 AM) that’s exactly what it’s like now
Chuck: (1:35 AM) Would it be ok with you if I posted our ICQ conv on the
in-game alliance forum in TDZK?
RobVanDam: (1:35 AM) I don’t care
RobVanDam: (1:36 AM) anything we ever talk about you can distrubute
anyway you want
RobVanDam: (1:36 AM) never cared what people thought about me, no use
starting now
Chuck: (1:36 AM) Thank you. Up until the HYper incident, I was
reasonably happy in HF. Not so now.
RobVanDam: (1:37 AM) it’s just better to know what you’re apart of then
to be left in the dark

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