Saturday, August 29, 2015

UsuRpeR Thread

UsuRpeR Weighs In On The HF/TDZK
MesscrectorFortunately I have not been pulled into
this particular mess. However, I'm getting tired of
it. One thing I find amusing, just what do you mean by
me supposedly wanting to be supreme ruler... Do people
like you have your heads up your asses or something?
Anyone who knows me knows I don't fit that bill.

In fact I have done nothing but encourage members to
step up to the plate and be the leaders of this clan.
Clearly you do NOT know how to fill those shoes. The
way you have handled this situation Crector is totally
unacceptable! I expect HF's leadership to handle
issues that arise maturely, level headed, and fairly.
How did you think the situation would be resolved by
apparently spamming posts all over our boards
basically "whining" about Jewel and HY. From what I
saw there was nothing in your posts to resolve the
situation, you just ran your mouth off making
accusations and complaints.

You should have addressed the situation with staff,
evaluated the situation, heard from all sides
involved, and made an intelligent decision as to how
to handle the situation with your fellow staff
members. Instead you chose to make it a side show all
over our boards!

This will be further discussed on the staff boards,
until then I suggest you get your act together and
instead of making complaints off the wall about HF,
come up with solutions and something positive to contribute.

House Forsaken 2 Forum Topic ViewcrectorUsuRpeR Weighs
In On The HF/TDZK MesscrectorFortunately I have not
been pulled into this particular mess. However, I'm
getting tired of it. One thing I find amusing, just
what do you mean by me supposedly wanting to be
supreme ruler... Do people like you have your heads up
your asses or something? Anyone who knows me knows I
don't fit that bill.

In fact I have done nothing but encourage members to
step up to the plate and be the leaders of this clan.
Clearly you do NOT know how to fill those shoes. The
way you have handled this situation Crector is totally
unacceptable! I expect HF's leadership to handle
issues that arise maturely, level headed, and fairly.
How did you think the situation would be resolved by
apparently spamming posts all over our boards
basically "whining" about Jewel and HY. From what I
saw there was nothing in your posts to resolve the
situation, you just ran your mouth off making
accusations and complaints.

You should have addressed the situation with staff,
evaluated the situation, heard from all sides
involved, and made an intelligent decision as to how
to handle the situation with your fellow staff
members. Instead you chose to make it a side show all
over our boards!

This will be further discussed on the staff boards,
until then I suggest you get your act together and
instead of making complaints off the wall about HF,
come up with solutions and something positive to
contribute.03/22/03 06:49:59
ESTDeleteReplySilver-DarkUsuRpeR Weighs In On The
HF/TDZK MessSilver-Dark... fine, i reply as
requested... i see nothing that needs my opinion. At
least not an opinion You would want to hear crector...
grow up03/22/03 12:03:53 ESTReplyPageUsuRpeR Weighs In
On The HF/TDZK MessPageive read this so many times,
just posted in different ways03/22/03 12:05:25
ESTReplyWamphyriUsuRpeR Weighs In On The HF/TDZK
MessWamphyrireply03/22/03 13:44:48 ESTReplyLeneUsuRpeR
Weighs In On The HF/TDZK MessLenecrector: I think ur a
really good leader... (not that i'd really know), and
dont worry 'bout it ok
<bronze fire>03/22/03 19:46:03
ESTReplySpecialEdUsuRpeR Weighs In On The HF/TDZK
MessSpecialEdhmmmmm sorry... but thats some bs...
crector u like showed me how 2 do this whole thing and
ur a great leader... from 1 thing hes gonna go out on
u like that? let me talk 2 him lol03/23/03 13:38:42
ESTReplySilver-DarkUsuRpeR Weighs In On The HF/TDZK
MessSilver-DarkBefore any of you get pissed at Usurper
- Dave....
Take it from a member whos been in HF since 97.
He doesnt go off on ANYONE without cause. This message
was NOT MENT to be posted on these boards.

Crector is finishing his time with hf in TDZK and
Solar Empire,
Do what you will BUT DO NOT TAKE SIDES. You dont know
the whole story. I Dont care for crector, Hes a great
person IN GAME, but he shows lack of judment
everywhere else.

PERIOD. I hate to do this, but Im sick of this shit,
and wether you know it or not, you are contributing to
it by takeing a side. As everything that is an issue
is ment for the members only. not the recruits, and
not our allies.

Thank you for reading this.03/23/03 22:22:13
ESTReplySilver-DarkUsuRpeR Weighs In On The HF/TDZK
MessSilver-Darkwhile im on the note of how this isnt
the business of the general public, will one of the
Forum Mods please remove this thread. or erase the
content of Daves post...03/23/03 22:28:22 ESTReply

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