Saturday, August 29, 2015

Rob Van Dam ICQ Conv. March 22nd, 2003

Chuck: (11:39 PM) The mighty, albeit absentee, UsuRpeR
has now laid in on the mess. Notice who he considers
to be the bad guy in all of this:

Fortunately I have not been pulled into this
particular mess. However, I'm getting tired of it. One
thing I find amusing, just what do you mean by me
supposedly wanting to be supreme ruler... Do people
like you have your heads up your asses or something?
Anyone who knows me knows I don't fit that bill.

RobVanDam: (11:40 PM) he's going to stand behind Aeon,
no questions asked
Chuck: (11:40 PM) In fact I have done nothing but
encourage members to step up to the plate and be the
leaders of this clan. Clearly you do NOT know how to
fill those shoes. The way you have handled this
situation Crector is totally unacceptable! I expect
HF's leadership to handle issues that arise maturely,
level headed, and fairly. 

RobVanDam: (11:40 PM) You still have forum access?
Chuck: (11:41 PM) How did you think the situation
would be resolved by apparently spamming posts all
over our boards basically "whining" about Jewel and
HY. From what I saw there was nothing in your posts to
resolve the situation, you just ran your mouth off
making accusations and complaints.

Chuck: (11:41 PM) Yes I do.
Chuck: (11:41 PM) Still a member and on the Clan Ops
RobVanDam: (11:41 PM) wow
Chuck: (11:41 PM) You want anything from it emailed to
RobVanDam: (11:42 PM) Aeon just went personal on my
ass, very leaderlike of him, lol
RobVanDam: (11:42 PM) nah, already got emailed that
Chuck: (11:42 PM) You should have addressed the
situation with staff, evaluated the situation, heard
from all sides involved, and made an intelligent
decision as to how to handle the situation with your
fellow staff members. Instead you chose to make it a
side show all over our boards!

Chuck: (11:42 PM) This will be further discussed on
the staff boards, until then I suggest you get your
act together and instead of making complaints off the
wall about HF, come up with solutions and something
positive to contribute.
Chuck: (11:43 PM) Someone else feeding you goodies
from the forum?
RobVanDam: (11:43 PM) lots of people would/do
RobVanDam: (11:44 PM) I don't much care unless my name
is specifically mentioned, then I know who to laugh at
Chuck: (11:44 PM) Just wondering, but before this
whole mess broke out, what if anything did you think
of myself? Just another guy who just stuck to his
RobVanDam: (11:47 PM) /me shrugs
RobVanDam: (11:47 PM) I don't judge people normally
until I have contact with them
RobVanDam: (11:47 PM) figured you couldn't be that bad
if you were in the BBG realm
Chuck: (11:47 PM) thank you.
RobVanDam: (11:47 PM) for what?
Chuck: (11:50 PM) Well, let's put it this way, most of
the gaming & recruiting in that realm is mostly
because of 3 persons, the already expelled PresBMK,
the very disaffected DracoLichB & myself. The rest of
the realm just posted stuff, periodically worked on
the still incomplete website or just played an
occaisional round or 2 of Solar Empire.
Chuck: (11:51 PM) DLB is on the verge of quitting,
albeit for reasons regarding the other realms that
he's in, in addition to the TDZK mess.
RobVanDam: (11:53 PM) alot of people have been quiting
Chuck: (11:54 PM) Have you heard from anyone else
about the TDZK mess? If so, do they take the same
basic position that we do?
RobVanDam: (11:54 PM) not really
RobVanDam: (11:54 PM) not many people are involved
with TDZK and such that I know of
Chuck: (11:57 PM) ok... about 10 regular HF'ers are in
it, 3 guys in the recruitment procedure and about 30
in-game HF alliance members are in it. Of the regular
HF, 4 of them have expressed strong dissent from the
leadership position: DLB, Bakito, Reaver & Stealth.
Chuck: (11:59 PM) btw, has anyone emailed you
UsuRpeR's state of the clan address that he just made
a few hours ago? If not, I'll cut and paste it to
email right now.
Chuck: (11:59 PM) Unintentional & uninformed humor at
its best.
RobVanDam: (12:00 AM) cut and paste it right here
Chuck: (12:01 AM) Its very long....but if you wish....
RobVanDam: (12:01 AM) have you ever heard of a short
Usurper post?
Chuck: (12:01 AM) nope
Chuck: (12:02 AM) ATTN: House Address - Long(Muwhaha)

Every now and then we go through a period where things
seem really dim and problems seem to litter our path
forward as a clan. Sometimes our moral suffers and
other times we lose members. As we tackle these
problems in the end we always seem to get passed them
with or without scars. Such is life, you either sink
or swim. 
Chuck: (12:03 AM) Recently we've had such an issue
that created tension and controversy. We've lost a few
members and we have some bickering going on. During
these times you always see the 'ol HF is going down
the drain, HF is falling apart, HF isn't like it was
years ago. Well No, unfortunately HF is NOT what it
use to be before. Things change, people change... Not
much you can do about that.

Chuck: (12:03 AM) Frankly at the stage we're at now
we're not as active as we use to be. We're not as
involved in activities and events within the gaming
communities we play in. Our forums are always
active(good or bad icon_twisted.gif ) and our game
planning needs improvement. We know what areas we need
to work on, it just takes time and time is no man's
Chuck: (12:04 AM) The way things are set up now is
that the clan is run by the members. Members are
charged with managing each realm we support. The
success of our clan and the activities within the clan
rely heavily upon the effort of all members of the
clan to make things happen and get things done. I no
longer am available to oversee the general operation
of HF. 
Chuck: (12:04 AM) I'm not available to keep up with
every realm and direct the clan in it's development
and growth on a day to day basis. I now rely upon the
staff of HF to maintain operations and the members to
help support them and guide this clan in a positive
Chuck: (12:05 AM) I can't be there for each and every
one of you anymore and be personally involved in
issues that happen within this clan. As much as I
would like to and miss knowing you all on a more
personal level, real life does not allow me that
luxury. We've got to be able to handle things together
and work through our problems without hostility. 
Chuck: (12:05 AM) There are plenty of people out there
now who have negative things to say about HF. Most of
these people quite frankly in my opinion are people
who benefited from what HF had to offer, enjoyed HF as
an outstanding clan, and who took something positive
away with them at one time or another. Now these
people can easily stand back and make their ignorant
comments and talk about the dark days of HF that lie
Chuck: (12:05 AM) I think he's talking about you, RVD.
Chuck: (12:06 AM) Many of these people took from HF
but never gave back. Many easily comment about what HF
should or could do yet did nothing as a member when it
could have counted, others did. Its all how you look
at it folks.

Chuck: (12:06 AM) No one can can deny that HF has been
one of the premiere clans on the internet. Times have
changed since our glory days but we still maintain
something special here. For me HF is the best clan out
there for personal reasons. But I also know that to
all the other gamers out there, each one has their
opinion of who the best clan is. And you know what,
we're all right. 
Chuck: (12:06 AM) There is a clan for everyone guys,
what counts is that you are involved in the clan that
you enjoy and meets your need as a person and gamer. 
Chuck: (12:07 AM) HF is not going down the drain.
Disgruntled people have been saying that for years.
Each year we're still here and going strong. I am
truly thankful for the great friendships I've had
through HF. Many have come and gone, many others are
still here.

RobVanDam: (12:07 AM) strong my ass
Chuck: (12:07 AM) Think about what HF means to you. If
you have complaints or are unhappy, then maybe its
time to move on and find another clan. There is
nothing wrong with that. If you love HF but want to
see better times, then stay in the fight and make it
to the top of the hill with the rest of us. 
Chuck: (12:07 AM) What I encourage our members to do
is enjoy HF and don't get caught up in BS. The funny
thing about many people who have left the clan in less
than a positive light is that these people tend to
leech onto HF in one way or another and never really
"leave". I'll never understand why. But DO NOT let any
negative vibes get you down. Keep your heads up and
keep moving forward!

Chuck: (12:08 AM) You've got to voice your concerns,
that is the only way to get things into the open and
recognized. In doing so you must also go about doing
it the right way. Hostility will get us no where! 
Chuck: (12:08 AM) What about all the hostility that
I've gotten from the HF brass?
Chuck: (12:08 AM) A very important factor to remember
is this, we have a lot of talented members and
resources available at our hands. Unfortunately the
majority of us have a great many responsibilities in
real life we must and want to maintain that come
first. Be patient and understand that there is an
incredible, syncere interest in making HF the best it
can be. We'll go through rough times getting there but
we will get there. 
Chuck: (12:08 AM) Each one of you can contribute to
the success of this clan by showing positive support
and getting along with your fellow members. 
Chuck: (12:09 AM) We've got the plans to get us there
folks, we just need to conquer time to make them
happen. Thanks for your time!
Chuck: (12:09 AM) bleahhhhh......
Chuck: (12:09 AM) that's it folks!
Chuck: (12:10 AM) Well, apart from its total
divorcement from reality, did you think of it?
RobVanDam: (12:10 AM) crap
RobVanDam: (12:10 AM) trying to cover his ass
RobVanDam: (12:10 AM) doesn't have a clue what's going
on outside of HF
RobVanDam: (12:10 AM) but other than that, EXCELLENT!!
Chuck: (12:11 AM) For its rhetoric? Or its humor
RobVanDam: (12:11 AM) oh everything
RobVanDam: (12:11 AM) I was just glued to my screen
RobVanDam: (12:11 AM) enthralling
Chuck: (12:12 AM) heh
Chuck: (12:13 AM) As a %, about many of the active
gamers in HF have quit lately would you say?
RobVanDam: (12:13 AM) active?
RobVanDam: (12:13 AM) 5%?
RobVanDam: (12:14 AM) in like the past month or so
Chuck: (12:14 AM) opposed to Forum Whores 
RobVanDam: (12:14 AM) assuming maybe 5 people
Chuck: (12:14 AM) Well, this year thus far.
RobVanDam: (12:14 AM) out of about 100 active members
Chuck: (12:14 AM) Well, you said earlier that lots of
folks have been quitting HF lately...
RobVanDam: (12:15 AM) yea, but not everyone
Chuck: (12:15 AM) Just wanted to quantify it.
RobVanDam: (12:15 AM) 5 people so far
RobVanDam: (12:15 AM) and that's alot for a month
RobVanDam: (12:15 AM) about 5*
RobVanDam: (12:15 AM) myself, Inviz, MC, Rheem
RobVanDam: (12:15 AM) and probably someone else
Chuck: (12:16 AM) ok....did Rheem really quit? I
thought that he was just joshing around like he so
often does.
RobVanDam: (12:17 AM) nope
RobVanDam: (12:17 AM) he left
Chuck: (12:17 AM) You know him well enough to be sure
that he quit for good?
Chuck: (12:19 AM) I do know that when you & InViz
left, that caused a shock wave, since both of you were
considered HF stalwarts.
RobVanDam: (12:19 AM) not a major shockwave
RobVanDam: (12:19 AM) nothing can faze the lazy
Chuck: (12:19 AM) To HF'ers I know and talk to
frequently, it was.
RobVanDam: (12:20 AM) wow
Chuck: (12:20 AM) Most of whom are active gamers in
RobVanDam: (12:20 AM) people almost cared about me,
Chuck: (12:22 AM) Do you ever read Instapundit?
RobVanDam: (12:22 AM) nope
Chuck: (12:23 AM) From that website...brace
Chuck: (12:23 AM) UPDATE: Bill Hobbs reports that some
idiot on CNN radio described Iraq as "a Republic like
the United States."
Chuck: (12:24 AM) The linked to article:
Chuck: (12:24 AM) Friday, March 21, 2003 

Say What?!?!?!!
I've been listening to CNN Radio streamed over my PC
while working. Much of the coverage is canned stories
repeated every half-hour or so - pretty forgettable
stuff. Until this line of one story caught my ear:

"Iraq is a Republic like the United States."


Does CNN really believe Iraq is a republic?
RobVanDam: (12:25 AM) <A
Chuck: (12:26 AM) Wow,,,thank you. Looks like my kind
of news website!
RobVanDam: (12:27 AM) Israeli, no "Pentagon approved"
Chuck: (12:28 AM) What's really going on.... We must
have a lot in common other than the Wisconsin

Born in Superior,

Raised in Platteville 
Chuck: (12:30 AM) egocentric, I know.
RobVanDam: (12:30 AM) you're from Wisconsin?
Chuck: (12:31 AM) Yes, I currently live in Woodstock,
IL in a county bordering on WI
RobVanDam: (12:31 AM) eww, flatlander :P
Chuck: (12:31 AM) Still a Packer Backer all the
RobVanDam: (12:32 AM) eww, the Pack suck
RobVanDam: (12:32 AM) Eagles all the way!!
Chuck: (12:32 AM) You'll learn the errors of your
ways, my friend.
RobVanDam: (12:33 AM) who's gone further in the
playoffs the past two years? Who got homefield
advantage last year?
RobVanDam: (12:33 AM) <A
RobVanDam: (12:33 AM) worth the money?
Chuck: (12:37 AM) The price seems kind of steep. I
wouldn't get it.
RobVanDam: (12:37 AM) it's $100, but it's like THE
RobVanDam: (12:37 AM) hell, even the brake pedal gives
Chuck: (12:37 AM) You have it already?
RobVanDam: (12:38 AM) nope
RobVanDam: (12:38 AM) but I want it!!
RobVanDam: (12:38 AM) I hate being a poor teenager :(
Chuck: (12:46 AM) I can relate to that.....
RobVanDam: (12:47 AM) and it doesn't help when I want
a 17" wide-screen powerbook, lol
RobVanDam: (12:48 AM) sweet, found that steering wheel
for $80
Chuck: (12:48 AM) I can't afford those things either. 
I'm a part time worker at minimum wage despite having
a college education and a MA degree.
RobVanDam: (12:48 AM) what ya get your degree in?
Chuck: (12:48 AM) Chuck: (12:46 AM) Did you read the
absentee UsuRpeR's post on the TDZK mess?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:46 AM) in uth nagor?
Chuck: (12:47 AM) yes...his mindless ravings &
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:47 AM) that is very dangerous to
Chuck: (12:49 AM) History. MA thesis was about the
Arkansas Confederate Field Artillery....199 pages
Chuck: (12:49 AM) I lived in Arkansas for 15 years.
RobVanDam: (12:49 AM) ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
Chuck: (12:50 AM) If you thought Clinton was a bad
president, then you should have seen him as Gov.
RobVanDam: (12:50 AM) lol
Chuck: (12:50 AM) I always voted against him and even
volunteered in his opponents campaigns in both
Chuck: (12:53 AM) Chuck: (12:51 AM) Why? He's clearly
uninformed about the matter. He's just swallowed the
drivel that Aeon's fed him.
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:52 AM) That might be true, but
saying that is the fastest way to get kicked out. You
might not like the political structure of HF, but it
is there
Chuck: (12:53 AM) If I'm going to get kicked out,
might as well have some fun.....
Chuck: (12:55 AM) Chuck: (12:53 AM) What structure? I
haven't found any such structure outlined on the HF
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:53 AM) It is an informal one
Chuck: (12:54 AM) If its so informal, then how can
UsuRpeR say that I've disregarded it?
Krioni / Pinkus: (12:55 AM) I don't know
its 2am, don't get me started please
Chuck: (12:56 AM) He didn't know...typical
RobVanDam: (1:01 AM) lol, nice
Chuck: (1:19 AM) Take it that yoou're surprised that I
haven't been kicked out yet?
RobVanDam: (1:23 AM) no, because Krioni doesn't strike
me as a tattletail
Chuck: (1:24 AM) well, you seemed surprised that I
still had forum access
RobVanDam: (1:26 AM) kinda
Chuck: (1:28 AM) 328 damage to Fleece's Merchant
You destroyed Fleece's Merchant Freighter.
1 damage to crector's Stealth Trader.

We just destroyed 27 enemy MF's & captured the main DA
RobVanDam: (1:28 AM) nice
RobVanDam: (1:29 AM) afk, I'm gonna get headed to beat
RobVanDam: (1:29 AM) bed*
RobVanDam: (1:29 AM) beat, geez, shows how tired I am
RobVanDam: (1:29 AM) g'night
Chuck: (1:29 AM) ok...bye...happy dreams

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